Friday, June 20, 2014

Wind Power Policy

Government of Gujarat 
Wind Power as an energy source is a non-polluting, environment-friendly, reasonably priced energy with shorter project gestation period. State of  Gujarat recognizing the need for long term energy security in current  scenario of volatile fossil fuel costs, global warming & climate change has been promoting wind power generation in the State. 

The State Government by and time has revisited its Wind Power policy to encourage Wind Generation in the state. The State blessed with long coast line and good wind speeds for harnessing of the Wind Energy has successfully installed more than 3000 MW Wind capacity. 

To accelerate the investment in Renewable sector, need for further investment in Clean and Green Energy sources is observed. With the revised estimated potential of more than 35000 MW from Wind energy sources in the State, it was under consideration of the Government to 
review the present wind power policy. In order to optimize the Wind Energy potential in the State, the State Government has decided to pronounce a New Wind Power Policy – 2013 as 


1. Title: 
This scheme shall be known as the “Wind Power Policy – 2013”. 

2. Operative Period: 
This policy will come into force with effect from the date of issue of this resolution and shall remain in operation up to 31st  March 2016, which will be the operative period of the scheme. Wind Turbine Generators (WTGs) installed and commissioned during the operative period shall become eligible for the incentives declared under this policy, for a period of twenty five years (25) from the date of commissioning or for the life span of the WTGs , whichever is earlier. 

3. Eligible Unit: 
Any company or body corporate or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, or artificial juridical person, will be eligible for setting up of WTGs, either for the purpose of captive use and /or for  selling of electricity, in accordance with the Electricity Act 2003, as 
amended from time to time. Explanation: The use of electricity for own consumption at his end use location/s by the owner of WTGs shall be  considered as Captive use. 

4. Eligible Sites: 
The WTGs may be set up at sites notified by Gujarat Energy Development Agency (GEDA) and/ or any other sites identified as potential site, within the State by the Nodal Agency or Developer/s. 

5. Wheeling of Electricity 
5.1. For Captive Consumption: 
a) Wheeling of power to consumption site at 66 KV voltage level and above. 
The wheeling of electricity generated from the Wind Power Generators, to the desired location(s) within the State, shall be allowed on payment of transmission charges and transmission losses 
applicable to normal Open Access Consumer. 

b) Wheeling of power to consumption site below 66 KV voltage level. 

i. The wheeling of electricity generated from the Wind Power Generators, to the desired location(s) within the State, shall be allowed on payment of transmission charges, otherwise applicable to normal Open Access Consumer and transmission and wheeling losses @ 10% of the energy fed to the grid. The above loss is to be shared between the transmission and distribution licensee in the ratio of 4:6. This provision shall be applicable to the WEGs who are having 
more than one WTGs. 

ii. The wheeling of electricity generated by smaller investors, having only one WTG in the State, to the desired location(s), shall be allowed on payment of transmission charges, otherwise applicable to normal open access consumer, and transmission and wheeling losses @ 7% of the energy fed to the grid. The above losses are to be shared between the transmission and distribution licensee in the ratio of 4:3.

 5.2. For Third party sale The Wind Power Projects availing open access for third party sale shall be liable to pay open access charges and losses as applicable to normal open access consumers. Set off of wheeled energy at recipient unit(s) shall be carried out in the same 15 minute time block. Banking facility shall not be available for third party sale of energy. 
5.3 Wheeling at Multiple Locations 
 Wind Energy Generator owner, who desires to wheel electricity at more than two locations, shall pay 5 paise per unit on energy fed into the grid to the Distribution Company concerned in whose area power is consumed in addition to the above mentioned transmission charges and losses, as applicable. 

6. Exemption from payment of Electricity Duty and Cross Subsidy charges: 
The electricity generated from the Wind turbine generator/s shall be exempted from payment of Electricity Duty, in accordance with the provisions of the Gujarat Electricity Duty Act 1958 and its amendments from time to time. 

Wheeling of wind energy for third party sale and captive use shall be exempted from cross subsidy charge. 

7. Sale of Energy to Distribution Utilities: 
 7.1 Sale under Preferential tariff : 
(i) The electricity generated from the WTGs commissioned from 8.08.2012, may be sold to GUVNL and / or any Distribution Licensee within the state, at a rate of Rs. 4.15 per unit of electricity as per GERC order. The requisite Power Purchase agreement (PPA) shall be 
done between the power procurer and the eligible unit. 

(ii) GUVNL and /or any Distribution licensee may purchase surplus power from WTGs wheeling power for their captive use after adjustment of energy against consumption at recipient unit(s) at a rate of 85% of tariff applicable to WTGs (Commissioned during the Control Period of Hon’ble GERC’s Wind tariff order. )  
 WTGs opting for captive use of energy generated shall be eligible to get set off against the energy during peak and normal hours as specified by the GERC in its tariff order. The WTGs under captive use shall be eligible for one month banking for the electricity generated 
during the same calendar month. 

8. Third party sale of Energy: 
The sale of electricity generated from the WTGs shall also be allowed to a third party, in accordance with the GERC Regulations / order, as amended from time to time. 

9. Land 
The WTGs may be set up on private land, or revenue wasteland allotted by the State Government / GEDA land, if available. 

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