Saturday, June 7, 2014

Storing Solar Energy is Possible?

The World’s Largest Solar Heating Plant to be Established in Denmark

An agreement has been signed to install what will become the world’s largest solar thermal installation with no less than 52,491 m2 solar collectors from Danish ARCON Solar.
Upon completion, the world’s largest solar heating plant for heat production for district heating will be found in the Danish municipality of Vojens. The upcoming solar heating installation will take the lead from another Danish district heating station, namely Dronninglund with a collector area of 37,275 m2. Both installations have been provided by ARCON Solar who are responsible for more than half of all European solar heating plants exceeding 1000 m2. 
Capturing energy from the summer sun for cold winter nights
The solar thermal installation in Vojens will produce the majority of the energy during the summer half year. As demand is low during summertime, the energy produced can be stored in a water basin holding between 190 and 200 million liters of water, which is heated up. 
This way, the energy can be used in wintertime when people use their radiators again during winter months. Specifically, the possibility to store the CO2 neutral energy makes solar thermal energy an attractive alternative to district heating stations and companies with high heat consumption in during production.
”Contrary to other sustainable energy concepts it is worthwhile to store solar thermal energy for later consumption. It is possible to offer rather precise calculations to show how big a share of the total heating requirements can be covered using solar thermal energy, thus making the most of the advantages in the operation, not least economical”, says managing director of ARCON Solar Søren Elisiussen,
Fixed energy prices at minimum risk
Another important aspect regarding the demand for large-scale solar heating systems is the insecurity in price developments in the market for fossil fuels. A solar heating installation has an expected lifetime of at least 25 years. 
In addition to the costs of the installation itself, the only additional costs are those associated with ordinary operation and maintenance - the energy from the sun is free of charge. This means a guaranteed fixed energy price over 25 years as well as reduced your dependency of fossil fuels. Security and minimum risk have become a strong purchasing argument.
”Danish district heating stations in later years have discovered that large-scale solar heating is not only a politically correct investment, but also a good stroke of business. Especially the long-term knowledge of the cost level is an important motivation for the demand. This knowledge is now also spreading internationally, and we expect that already this year we will see a major breakthrough for our exports”, says Søren Elisiussen. 

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