Monday, June 16, 2014

Water is life

  • Do you know that the ultimate sources of all fresh water is rain.

  • Do you know that Chennai city depends heavily on its ground water resource and that it will have to be sustained.

  • Do you know that RAINWATER HARESTING is a very simple method of conserving our rainwater to sustain our ground water resource. It has the additional benefit of reducing the quanitity of runoff rainwater and avoid flooding.

  • Do you know that RAINWATER HARVESTING has been a part of the Indian tradition for more than 5000 years. We only need to revive it to suit our modern life-style.

  • Do you know that Chennai is not a rain starved city but a water starved one ? Our average annual rainfall of 1200 mm, if harvested completely, is capable of yielding 700 litres of fresh per ground (measuring 2400 sq.ft) of area harvested per day, throughout the year.

  • Do you know that in some areas sea water has intruded in the ground water from the coast due to heavy withdrawal of ground water.

  • To solve these problems, all we have to do is to harvest large quantities of rainwater as ground water in our houses, flat complexes, offices, factories etc., during monsoon.
  • Do you know the distribution of world water supply
Saline water in Oceans97.2 %
Ice caps and Glaciers2.14 %
Ground water0.61 %
Surface water0.009 %
Soil Moisture0.005 

Do you know how the water is treated in Kilpauk Water Works?
Raw -water -> Pre-Chlorination -> Chemical coagulation -> clari-flocculation -> rapid gravity mechanical filtration -> Post chlorination -> Drinking water supply
Why Pre-Chlorination is added?
To remove the odour/colour/algae and bacterias
What is Chemical coagulation?
Addition of alum with lime to settle suspended matters.
What is clari-flocculation?
Removal of settled suspended matters.
What is rapid gravity mechanical filtration ?
In this process the filtration takes place very rapidly through series of sand filter (compressed mechanism)
Why post chlorination is applied?
To disinfect for the fresh water supply


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