Saturday, June 7, 2014

Innovate,Invent and Implement

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The hunger for energy is growing like the rich men's desire to acquire more. As we grow and go further our movements and rest depend on energy. The scientists and  policy planners are searching for ways to get energy from additional and new sources. They do succeed in their efforts. As of now energy is possible by burning any carbon material; let it be bio-gas or bio-fuel or organic-gas.  Energy is derived from tides, winds and solar sources. Since the nuclear source gives anxious moments for the people around sooner or later we have to discover ways to find safest ways to make it serve us better or close those reactors.

But the world can not go on searching for additional sources of power for ever. There can be growth in the demand for energy but not spurt. 

Some easily implementable  suggestions towards minimizing the use of energy.

  • Ensure when the Sun is on , the electrical switches are off.
  • Don't shut the windows and seek air from your ceiling fans, coolers or AC's
  • Learn to adjust and adapt to simple discomforts like sweating and these are natural body mechanisms to keep the body cool and there are so many invisible benefits out of them
  • Privacy is a modern myth. Each member of the family doesn't require a separate reading or rest room
  • Don't depend on electrical appliances for every kitchen activity
  • Try to adapt  and  consume fresh uncooked fruits, roots, shoots, vegetables or leaves
  •  What can be taken fresh- never cook or bake
  • If you want to walk or jog do that. Don't make a machine to do the job for you. Nothing to be ashamed if you walk/jog  in public.
  •  Public lighting systems are switched on early (when the sun light is still  there)  and switched off late (since  the sun has appeared). Not a good practice.  
  • The lamps in front of the houses and offices are awake as long as the owners are asleep. The  Sunday syndrome swallows good amount of energy as many continue to sleep even up to the noon and making the lamps burn till they wake up.
  • Lawns and plants don't need lamps.
  • Instead of putting some 100 tiny lamps and spend energy just look up in the sky and enjoy the millions of stars glittering to attract your attention and give you joy
  • Crackers are for cracks. When they are burst we close our ears and eyes. What is the need for this self-inflicted punishment when we hear the thunder and see lightening
  • Cycling is not for patients alone. A bi-cycle is a must for every family. Be close to your work spot and cycle the way.
  • Recycling need not be done in factories always. Innovate , invent and implement your own energy conservation ideas.
  • Prefer public transport  to own vehicles.  Don't be isolated by going in a private vehicle. 
  • Appeal to governments all over the world. Make public transport free.
  • No need to have parties only at nights. Day time parties are not banned by gods.
  • Just to dry, comb or cut  your hair don't depend on machines and waste energy. The powers of your hand and scissors are sufficient. Just by standing in sunlight for a few minutes or using a good towel the water can be wiped off. 
  • Use your cell phone only when it is absolutely essential
  • Develop reading habits ( read printed books and not e-books) and reduce your TV time
  • Come out of your home and be with nature
  • Learn to punish nations which are in a race for filling this earth with more people
  • Tax them more and invite them not to your countries 
  • Never help the undeserving 
  • The earth belongs to the peoples of every nation. Beware of the conspiracy of a few nations which wage  'silent wars'  with 'silent soldiers' and 'silent occupation' of distant lands.
  • Beware of the nations talking of peace but fighting invisible wars and putting  undue strain on this planet. 

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