Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Exercise your right to pollute?

 Just yesterday I came across a canal for about a kilometer  in Thanjavur district that would carry waters for paddy fields from the  dam,  filled with plastic and polythene. The entire canal was filled with poly packs and other materials inimical to farm fields. The people who are polluting this dry canal are not from any foreign nation/ a big  metro city. All of them are farmers who know very well the damages that would cause to their paddy fields. Then why do they pollute? Just exercising their rights of destruction. When  my neighbor has got a right to deface, should not I carry the same? That  is the attitude. Here people contribute their mite for the destruction of their environment. 

The case is same with every water body in India. A nation of billion and a quarter and more pollutes its natural resources. They are united in their stand of this 'national duty' but all of them want the government to act.  Just to remove a boulder that had fallen on the middle of the road they make a call to the Surface transport ministry! Every Indian firmly believes that their government is having Godly  powers and wealth to undo the damages the citizens cause. All of them again staunchly believe that the voting rights which they exercise when ever elections come give them a 'right to pollute'. Long live India!

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