Friday, June 6, 2014

Alternative Energy Search Should not Scorch People

Light Gets Recognized Only in Darkness

Good.  The searches and researches are on for decades now to slow down the use fossil fuels. But the alternatives we thought a hit should not hit the people and governments. For instance an ambitious Germany closed eight  of its nuclear reactors in the aftermath of the  Fukushima  disaster and has vowed to close down all the remaining nuclear reactors by 2022. 

The plans to add 25000 megawatts of power by 2030 has seen only an addition of 45 mw in 2012. Wind farms are attractive to the eyes that failed to play a hand held fan in their childhood. But destructive to the birds and space. A 20 -turbine wind farm occupies 250 acres of land. The wind sources are unreliable. They peak when the demand is lean and they break when the demand is high. Unexpected winds collapse the grid system. The huge investments too a hurdle. Governments subsidize the green energy initiatives with good intentions but ends up swallowing poor tax payer's money.  The turbines'  noise disturb the wild life around. The countries  with no coastal region can't expect big winds for a fixed period. 

The zero to hero and the hero to zero pattern of winds make this energy an unreliable one. The energy produced can't be stored all at once. And there are complaints about television interruptions too from the people living in that area. Most importantly the honey bees disappear from the vicinity. 

The Alternate Source in Tamilnadu

As on 30.11.2013

Renewable Energy
Programme/ Systems
Cumulative achievement
up to 30.11.2013
Wind Power            
Bagasse Cogeneration
Biomass Power
Solar Power (SPV)
Small Hydro

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