Saturday, June 7, 2014

Denmark Gets Full Marks in Renewable Energy Innovations

The sun, wind, waves and geothermal heat are energy sources that will never run out. They are perpetual, or self-renewing. Used in a cost-efficient way, they can contribute to securing energy supplies and smoothen the transition to a fossil-free economy.
Collecting and storing the heat of the sun
Collecting and storing the heat of the sun for rainy days seems obvious. Danish photovoltaic technology and solar thermal energy systems offer reliable and cost-efficient methods of generating electricity and heat. Today, these systems are applied with success in commercial as well as residential buildings. On a larger scale, solar thermal energy can also be used for district heating. Denmark has delivered impressive inventions in solar district heating with several big plants already established. In 2013, the construction of the world’s largest district heating plant will be finished in the village of Gram in Jutland. 41,000 square metres will be covered by solar panels and will be supplemented with a 110,000 cubic metre water reservoir storage where water, heated from the summer sun, can be stored for use in winter months.  
An untapped potential
Geothermal heat and wave power are other perpetual resources, which Danish companies strive to turn into cost-efficient energy. In Denmark, low-temperature geothermal heat is used to supplement traditional methods for producing district heat. As part of a recent national energy agreement, approximately USD 6 million will be used to promote new renewable  technologies, including geothermal energy. Wave power has been an important focus area for coordinated research in
Denmark since 1997 with a view to phasing in wave power as yet another future energy source. Several renewable energy technologies already exist and many more are under development in Denmark, where manufacturers and subcontractors operate in a unique R&D community together with universities. Commercial utilisation of the power of the sun, wind, waves and earth has yet to reach a more mature stage. But these self-renewing resources hold immense untapped  potential.

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