Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sanitation and crime?

"A massive drive to provide toilets for women."

Installing toilets might not be enough to protect India’s women from rape.

India's gang-rape horror continues: Woman found hanging from tree after attack by five men as another claims she was assaulted by four officers INSIDE police station

  • 19-year-old suspected rape victim has been found dead in Uttar Pradesh
  • It is latest in a string of shocking sex attacks in the troubled state
  • A 44-year-old woman reported that she was gang-raped by police
  • It came hours after another woman was found hanged from a tree
  • PM Narendra Modi urged all politicians to work together to protect women

  • A land of spiritualism tormented by feudalism and ritualism.  Rape is not to be seen as a  criminal offence alone but a social offence too. Pretensions  can't help any nation but actions can. 

Why the violence against women?

Yes, violence against women is there. A total of 24923 cases in the year 2012 alone. 34434 cases of murders too.

Reason -1.
The violence against them is historical. A male dominated society, unable to come out of its ancient shackles.

Most of the men who are  semi-literate or illiterate drink and beat their spouses in the evenings. Why do they drink? Drinking is considered here as an act of bravery. The teetotalers are seen as cowards.

It is universal. Almost all our major faiths refuse to women,their rights. They are subjected to subjugation forcefully. 

More myths are attached to women and a simple biological need of the humans is magnified,glorified, sanctified,  ritualized and demonized.


No fear of law. Laws are more observed in its breach. Punishments are given in negligible cases and after decades.

Social stigma.
The social stigma makes the victims to go into silence fearing their future.

Who is right here?
Might is right here.

The system makes women depend on any man throughout her life time. A father, husband, son, an uncle  or a brother.

If you trust media there will be no India.There is not a single newspaper here. All are  only views' papers. Hence the news content is politicized, castesized, religionised,regionalized and sensationalized. If there are two newspapers, one will take up the victim's story as he/she may belong to his caste and the other the aggressor's story as he /she may belong to his or her clan.

Traditionally- mythologically  they are seen as angels who are blessed with beauty to be drunk by men. This myth is of course universal and it should be shed immediately. 

Cinema  and other e-sources
These media sources own vulgarity and obscenity as their  only property. 


1. Attitude of men and women towards each other to change
2. Stringent implementable laws with punishment and their observance-adherence
3. Punishment for publishing (press) , broadcasting, telecasting or pod casting materials that show women in poor light
4. Punishing actors/actresses acting, speaking, dancing  or singing that violates laws
5. Dress code for both men and women in public places
6. Stop the habit of sending the bride to the bridegroom's home after marriage. Let the couple choose their residence.
7. Don't elevate neither men nor women to any higher state. Both are equally earthly,mortal and fallible.
8.  Speedy disposal of cases. Ensure that cases are disposed within a reasonable time and laws have to catch the  uncatchable and reach the unreachable too.
9. Follow Saudi Arabian laws for dealing with any crime including adultery,drinking,smoking  and cinemas at least for a limited period

to continue....

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