Saturday, June 14, 2014

Football or Food for All

"A fundamentalist group, even if it kills no one, even it strikes no one, is violent. The mental structure of fundamentalism is violence in the name of God .Violence in God's name does not fit with our times."  Pope Francis

There are nations, races and peoples which are fond of fighting and dying.  The people who love peace and are in peace must not be made to pay for the war mongers' follies. True, It is hurting and haunting to see the pictures of people dying either due to hunger or due to wars. But some people have made it as their  habit that they'd get assistance from the developed world and hence they can  continue with their old art of fighting. 

At this moment Iraq is on boil. Ukraine is also burning. Drone strikes in Yemen and so on.  If people can't talk , can't inter-act and convince the opponent , what is the use of the languages they  have learnt and speak? What is the use of education they got? Instead of pens guns speak every day. But the old habit of villagers ,  if we quarrel some  passerby would come to our aid is still practiced. The starter of such wars and the sufferers of such wars -both expect some one to enter and help stop them fighting.  

 I appeal to the nations which  want to mediate to be away from any such complex issues in their own interest. If somebody feels  'fighting' is  their right let them fight with all their might. Everyone knows war hurts everyone. Still why still the adults love to wage wars?   Why some one else should suffer for the fighting instincts of a few?

 For instance India intervened in the East Pakistan conflict and helped find a solution. But today India has got two enemies to face- the Pakistan and Bangladesh. India entered SriLanka to maintain peace and became an enemy of both the LTTE and the Sri Lankan govt then. A moderator often becomes  a victim.It is better to be away from conflicts. 

Now the nations around the world are after a single ball game - the foot ball. Billions become happy on seeing the visuals. But there are people who complain when millions are starving why should we spend big money on this ball game. True starving and deaths are there. But if some races and peoples make 'fighting'  as their game of choice and expect others to chip in for truce and peace- not a prudent expectation.

  • Count Folke was appointed as UN Mediator in the first Arab-Israeli war, shortly before he was assassinated by Zionist extremists in 1948.


"More than 50,000 children in South Sudan face death from disease and hunger, the United Nations has warned while seeking over $1bn to support those hit by six months of civil war.
"The consequences could be dire: 50,000 children could die this year if they do not get assistance," UN aid chief for South Sudan Toby Lanzer said on Saturday at the launch of a plan to support 3.8 million people "hit by hunger, violence and disease."
War in the young nation has already killed thousands and forced more than 1.5 million people from their homes, and aid agencies warn of the risk of famine should fighting continue.

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