Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Divide,Rule and Ruin ...

In India it is a secret ballot. Not any one is expected to display or express his voting preference.  The holiest of all the newspapers in the world tried its level best to divide the society into various  groups failed to realize its objective. Now after the elections too  the most cunning newspaper goes on publishing data dividing the society shamelessly.  The paper never used the words , 'voters' and never uses the word 'citizens' but Hindus, Muslims, yadavs, and so on. But none understands the divisive agenda of this God (?)  of mass media.

Upper Caste: Advantage BJP

Voting Patterns among Scheduled Tribes

Lok Sabha 2014 - A further marginalisation of Muslims?

The Story of Dalit Vote: between the BJP and the BSP

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