Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Save Water Tips

World Water Balance

  •  Total Water Resources: 
  •  Oceans & Seas 94% 
  •  Ice Caps & Glaciers 2% 
  •  Ground Water & Soil Moisture 4% 
  •  Surface Rivers, Lakes Negligible 
  • Verify your home is leak free. 
  • Repair dripping taps by  replacing washers. 
  •  Avoid flushing the toilet  unnecessarily. Use water  efficient flushes, plumbing  fixtures having sensors, low flow faucet aerators which require minimum water. 
  •  Turn off water while brushing teeth. 
  •  For shaving, use mug rather than using running water. 
  •  Close faucets while soaping and rinsing clothes. 
  •  Keep overflow valve in the over head tanks so as not to waste water. 
  •  Use waste water of cloth cleaning to clean the floor.
  • Use waste water in flush. 
  •  Don't use running water for releasing ice from tray. 
  •  Don't use extra detergent in washing clothes. 
  •  Don't use running water while hand-washing clothes . 
  •  Operate automatic washing machine when it is fully loaded. 
  •  Don't use shower/big bath tubs in bathrooms. 
  •  While going outdoor, turn off the main valve for water. 
  •  Develop habit of monitoring water meters. 

  • Minimize grass lawns in your 
  • yard because less grass means 
  • less water demand. 
    • Don't over - water your lawns. A 
    • good rain eliminates the need 
    • for watering for more than a 
    • week. 
    •  Water the lawns during early 
    • morning hours when 
    • temperature and wind speeds 
    • are the lowest. This reduces 
    • losses from evaporation. 
    • Try to use waste of dish 
    • washing/cloth cleaning for 
    • gardening and cleaning the 
    • floor. 
    • Check leaks in hose, pipes etc. 
    • Use sprinkler/drip irrigation 
    • Don't allow water to flow into 
    • gutter. 
    • Don't wash floors with a hose. 
    • Use a broom. 
    • Avoid excessive use of fertilizer 
    • in your lawn. The application of 
    • excess fertilizer increases the 
    • need for water. 
    •  Once 
    • established, they do not need to 
    • be watered as frequently and 
    • they usually will survive a dry 
    • period without any watering. 
    • Group plants together based on 
    • similar water needs. 
    •  Close public taps after use. 
    • Close running taps opened by 
    • others. 
    •  Paste water saving instructions 
    • at public places. 
    •  Don't use excessive water at 
    • public conveniences. 
    • Don't let water run at public 
    • toilets. 
    •  Use only as much water as required
    • Encourage users to install high 
    • efficiency plumbing fixtures 
    • and provide incentives if 
    • possible. 
    • Check for leakages in water 
    • supply systems and attend to 
    • leakage complaints 
    • immediately. 
    • Encourage residents to adopt 
    • water conservation and roof 
    • top rain water harvesting 
    • systems. 
    •  Adopt water efficient flushes at 
    • public conveniences. 
    •  Consider for providing dual 
    • water supply system for public 
    • conveniences. 
    •  Use treated effluent water for 
    • horticulture purposes

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