Thursday, June 5, 2014

Growth or Decay?

Development is not to be seen in the decimation of forests,animals and agricultural lands: growth must not be seen in the growth of the number of the multistory buildings: progress is not to be seen in the progress of  speeding cars and evolution is not in attaining more comforts for man.

For instance the habit of transporting cattle in vehicles. They do not enjoy their two/four-wheeler rides. Long distance rides for the animals in open trucks as they stand for days is not an enjoyable experience for  them. They love to walk or run in the way they do. The early morning rides to abattoirs in costly two/four  wheeler  do them no favor. Hence whatever 'development' is seen -  it is to aid man and man alone.  Here lies the flaw. Man thinks he is the sole owner of this earth and controls and commands all other living and non-living beings and things. 

Emperors of yesterdays  depended on pigeons and messengers to send and receive communication. But today as we touch the screen the other person sitting on the other end of the globe gets connected. A ball rolling on the Melbourne stadium touches the eye ball of a cricket fan sitting in India. Just at waving of the hand the song being played in a mobile changes or water falls on our hands. The machines have made man a machine and improvisation is on on this man-machine. He is connected to all gadgets all time but his connect with the humanity remains a disconnect. He continues to commit the crime his predecessors committed and he remains 'small' ever. Murder and rape hog  the lime light  and there is no even a slight decrease in their intensity. 

Today the houses are full but homes are empty. Enough heat is there but warmth is lacking. Every inch of our living space is occupied by non-living thing. We build or buy flats and fill them with machines and we go out seeking happiness. As the houses are full guests are unwelcome. Our flats welcome our guests with a signage,  "No parking of vehicles of visitors allowed".  The happiness quotient is low on the curve and the contentment line is flat for the rich and the poor; the old and the young. 

Laws are there to be broken and rules are there for violations. So many gods and goddesses and all remain deaf to the prayers and dumb to the mercy pleas. As the number of Gods and goddesses decrease the number of quarrels and their intensity keep increasing. Man is devilish in protecting his gods and valiant wars are being fought to protect gods with the weapons created by man. 

He has no time to stop and stare neither at the air nor  at the space. The so called 'growth story' has got unlimited storeys but limits the growth of all other beings. For all this swiftness if a little bit kindness is added no bitterness will be there. 

Hope this humanity attains sanity and not indulge in vanity in perpetuity.  


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