Friday, June 13, 2014

Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

We can wake up a person who has really fallen asleep but not the one who pretends to be asleep. The world and its scientists are exactly doing the same. They know the root cause of all these problems related to climate change. But they are not for any change in their hearts and attitudes . They are for changing the face of this earth. Tall concrete trees shaking their hands with the clouds, telephone towers reaching the stars, space trash crashing into our space, steel snakes (rails)  for millions of miles , metal birds with wings of  phoenix, under ground tunnels, above ground express ways, water ways and so on to keep man happy and comfortable.  

Climate proofing, adaptation or resilience cities... we all want to protect cities and forget the earth,  want to build cities and desert our villages, repeatedly talk of building infrastructure little realizing that they are demolishing every structure of the nature. He refuses to listen and learn from our past. Putting all money, knowledge and human resources of a nation  in one geographical area of a few hundred square kilometers  would not be a wise idea. A simple shake of seven to eight  in a Richter scale can destroy a civilization's treasures. Also one has to think about man made wars and other natural calamities. 
 Providing all urban amenities in rural areas will be  the answer for all our woes. Some suggestions for urban planners /economists/policy makers.

  • See the villages have minimum basic requirements. Shelter, water, sanitation, health care, educational institutions with quality and proper remuneration for their produce.
  • Don't grow industries around port cities or  others with good connectivity.
  • For instance Chennai city has all the big ten car makers of the world, due to its proximity to the port which may facilitate export.
  • Instead if  the same companies had been distributed among all the ten major port cities in India, Chennai could have avoided the crowd and all other cities would have seen  faster growth
  • The concept of IT city is bogus. Any city with good connectivity and energy can be turned into an IT city. All roads lead to Mecca. All IT companies need not go to Bangalore. Now the city is struggling for its breath. I think internet won't hesitate to visit our rural India and BPO services can be given from any part of any nation.
  • Think of supporting the farmers/artisans  with monthly assured incomes, crop and health insurances to motivate them to remain in villages.
  • Show more about them and tempt them not with a city life. * Read Frost's poem later.
  • In these of quick mobility people can go to any place where opportunities are there and not big cities alone.
  • Finally a city life is not a gifted one and a village life is not a wretched one.

A Roadside Stand

The little old house was out with a little new shed

In front at the edge of the road where the traffic sped,
A roadside stand that too pathetically pled,
It would not be fair to say for a dole of bread,
But for some of the money, the cash, whose flow supports
The flower of cities from sinking and withering faint.

The polished traffic passed with a mind ahead,
Or if ever aside a moment, then out of sorts
At having the landscape marred with the artless paint
Of signs that with N turned wrong and S turned wrong
Offered for sale wild berries in wooden quarts,
Or crook-necked golden squash with silver warts,
Or beauty rest in a beautiful mountain scene,

You have the money, but if you want to be mean,
Why keep your money (this crossly) and go along.
The hurt to the scenery wouldn’t be my complaint
So much as the trusting sorrow of what is unsaid:
Here far from the city we make our roadside stand
And ask for some city money to feel in hand
To try if it will not make our being expand,
And give us the life of the moving-pictures’ promise
That the party in power is said to be keeping from us.

It is in the news that all these pitiful kin
Are to be bought out and mercifully gathered in
To live in villages, next to the theatre and the store,
Where they won’t have to think for themselves anymore,
While greedy good-doers, beneficent beasts of prey,
Swarm over their lives enforcing benefits
That are calculated to soothe them out of their wits,
And by teaching them how to sleep they sleep all day,
Destroy their sleeping at night the ancient way.

Sometimes I feel myself I can hardly bear
The thought of so much childish longing in vain,
The sadness that lurks near the open window there,
That waits all day in almost open prayer
For the squeal of brakes, the sound of a stopping car,
Of all the thousand selfish cars that pass,
Just one to inquire what a farmer’s prices are.
And one did stop, but only to plow up grass
In using the yard to back and turn around;
And another to ask the way to where it was bound;

And another to ask could they sell it a gallon of gas
They couldn’t (this crossly); they had none, didn’t it see?

No, in country money, the country scale of gain,
The requisite lift of spirit has never been found,
Or so the voice of the country seems to complain,
I can’t help owning the great relief it would be
To put these people at one stroke out of their pain.
And then next day as I come back to sane,
I wonder how I should like you to come to me
And offer to put me gently out of my pain.

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