Saturday, November 2, 2013

War Machinations

Most of the countries in the world refuse to accept that war is an ancient concept. In the olden times peoples were against peoples due to various reasons. First and foremost they thought the area they lived alone is the world and if they came into contact with others they shot them to death with poison tipped arrows. For them the enemy was any stranger. They were not aware of education as even a full fledged language was not developed. But slowly man acquired knowledge and today he is a global citizen in a global village. But for some odd tribes in remote regions most of the humans 99.999% are with the mainstream men.

They know what others do, what to expect from others and what others expect from him. They are united by faiths- as they are one in following a   faith- united by languages- as they have mastered the art of translation of languages- and they are united by education and trade. Today millions of Indians are in the Western nations doing jobs and every car company of the world is in Chennai- the land which fought against the erstwhile East India company of the British.

The assimilation is over and is staying. Literally these nations  are united by the U.N.O and they are also caught in the same web- internet. Knowledge is no more restricted to libraries and laboratories and the four walls of classrooms. They are open and free. Mass migrations are the order of the day and peoples around the world are highly mobile and the airplanes connect the  continents defying time and distance. For getting  medical assistance man crosses borders and is happy to return to his home a happy person. The campuses of universities are open around the world and not a single university is without a student from yet another nationality.

Trade is also well knit trade and the echo of Wall street or Dalal street is resonating across  nations. Mostly U.S dollars are accepted around the world and the day is not far off when we all we will have a common currency. Washington apples and Kentucky Chicken are available on the streets of India and every  windows of every nation opens up with the phrase MICROSOFT.

And I can go on with the things that unite us and uniting us and will be uniting us. My question is when we are all together and chained by many things what is the need for monstrous war machines? A single slip in the bath room or a simple fall from a bicycle can take away the life of a man. Do we require atom bombs, hydrogen bombs  and   nuclear missiles to kill our brothers and sisters?

Let us stop manufacturing guns and arsenals. Let us generate love and kindness among nations and peoples.


Rettavayal S Krishnasamy

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