Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fuel Conservation at Home

Conservation at home
Customers are recommended a switchover to Nutan gas stove or Nutan wick stove developed by Indian Oil and aimed at fuel conservation.
  • While cooking, use wide bottom vessels with covers.

  • Allow food articles, taken out of the refrigerators to attain room temperature before cooking them.
  • Soak cereals and dais for sometime before cooking. This reduces the cooking time as well as the fuel consumption.

  • Use just sufficient water for cooking.

  • Pressure cookers, used with separators, lead to substantial fuel saving.
  • Reduce flame by bringing the burner knob to the simmer position, as soon as the water starts boiling.

  • Try to eat together, to avoid repeated warming of food. This not only saves fuel, but also preserves the nutritional value of food.

  • Light the flame only after all preparations have been made, and the vessel is ready to be put on the stove.

  • Use hot water from solar water heaters for cooking if the facility is available.

  • Try to use a solar cooker, if facility and time permit.

  • In the rural sector, use of gobar gas plants, would be an excellent fuel conserving technique.

  • If feasible, the use of electric hot plates could also be a fuel-saving tip.

Indian Oil R&D's
" Rashmi Nutan "
A fuel efficient lamp
Kerosene for illumination
  • Once again a switch-over to Nutan Hurricane Lanterns developed by Indian Oil, both for better illumination & fuel conservation, is recommended.

  • Also recommended, is the use of electric lamps or solar lanterns, if feasible.

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