Wednesday, November 13, 2013


For weeks now India discusses the retirement plan announced by the master blaster Sachin Tendulkar from all forms of cricket.  But for  the illiterate, old masses  the majority of the Indians know Sachin. All may not know the game and his exploits. But everyone knows him as a good person.

The phenomenal popularity of a single individual who gets appointed as a member of the Indian Parliament without asking for it shows his reach among the people.  Having said that, the country has to utilize him and the good aura he possesses. Simply he is the most loved person of India today. May be Dr.Kalam is equally loved by the youth and he is doing job of building India talking to them every day. One more person who is immensely popular is Mr.Amitabh Bacchan and he is in the twitter world with his inputs for his followers. All good things.

The toughest task in the world is nothing but earning the love and respect of others whom we do not know. Rightly Sachin has accomplished it. The sober looking black and  white photograph of the Amercian President John Kennedy would adorn the saloons of Tamilnadu in the 1970-80's and still they are there in thousands of shops across the country. Good things done by good people and good thinking need not be transported like goods and they can travel without legs and vehicles and without any form of transport. 

Cricket was first played in southern England in the 16th century. By the end of the 18th century, it had developed into the national sport of England. The expansion of the British Empire led to cricket being played overseas and by the mid-19th century the first international matches were being held. The ICC, the game's governing body, has 10 full members. The game is most popular in Australasia, England, the Indian subcontinent, the West Indies and Southern Africa.
We have to welcome anything or action that unites people. Cricket has united the masses and hence I celebrate it. Unlike the Soccer which - at times- in violence in some nations, the game here is played as a 'gentle man' s game and the locals as well as the opponents are immensely popular.

Sachin has so far endorsed some 34 or 37 brands and has earned money. He can continue to endorse. He has spoken about polio eradication and for some more good causes. 
Now I want him  for two purposes.
His sports fraternity has already requested him to take up the training of the youth. He can do it. But the country has invested its time for the last 24 years on him. They watch him play and read and write about him all these years. He was paid for it. For instance though we know Pepsi is a soft drink, we have watched Sachin saying it hundred times and have invested our time.

Today it is for him to return the favours.

Dear Sachin,
1. Lead this nation on  green campaigns  and save India and this earth. You have to speak, do  and lead and none can do this as you can.
2. Save our country men from the modern  'battle fields' called roads. Every  minute 10 accidents and a loss of life. 1,50,000 and more fatal accidents - the largest in the world.

Will you come to the rescue of this humanity? (1/7th of the world population and Sachin can lead the campaign in all cricket playing nations) 
You saved your team many times from the jaws of defeat, will you do the same  for  this humanity? 

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