Thursday, November 7, 2013


Animals' behaviors are on predictable lines.  A tiger would love to devour us and hence we keep them away or we stay away from them. A cobra bite is lethal and hence we're afraid of them always. But how to be away from man? He has to live together only. Instances are reported every day about the fratricide, homicide, infanticide and many more '-cides'  from every side. The man who speaks of love possesses huge piles of weapons and in fact the weapons we possess today can destroy at least 100 more earths. 

The only property for our future generations  that goes inherited by every generation without any 'legal  will' or 'civil dispute'   is the  gift of 'hatred'. We in the world watch how for generations the hatred continues without any dilution. The only change it gathers is the intensity of hatred.  It goes on increasing without any let-up. I'm reminded of a zoo in Lusaka where in an empty enclosure  a mirror was kept with a caption- MAN THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL. 

Son kills man to get riot compensation

A man killed his father and another man and gave the crime a communal angle to grab the compensation promised by the Uttar Pradesh government to victims of the recent riots, police said Thursday.

Chandra Pal Singh, a retired soldier, and Sauraj were found dead in Badgaon in Saharanpur district on October 2.

Police earlier thought the killings were related to the communal riots in Muzaffarnagar and nearby areas that left 63 people dead from September 6-10.

But investigation revealed that Jogendra, the younger son of the soldier, shot his father so that he can claim the Rs.10 lakh in compensation and Rs.15 lakh from his insurance.

Jogendra and his widowed mother claimed that men from a neighbouring village killed Chandra Pal Singh.

Officials told IANS that to give the crime a communal angle, the accused had thrown in a skull cap at the crime scene.

Indian Express News.

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