Tuesday, November 12, 2013


                                                           THE    BODY SEARCH AND THE PHOTO SESSION

Throughout history the peoples of the world have migrated and intermixed, but still national boundaries do coincide with discrete sub-races in the modern world. Blacks of the United States and elsewhere in the New World are mixed. The Aryan mix in the Indian context too is very much relevant. Racial mixing has been going on for centuries but at a pace, which we do not yearn. The superiority complex of some races, based mainly on the pigmentation of the skin is so thick that it refuses to get thinned. Wars have been fought physically and psychologically to sustain this assumption or demolish the myth but both have met with failure as the groups that support or oppose the decadent theory    are still in a majority. Man is proving 'Man alone is vile', in day in and day out. The talk of 'global village' backed by the resurgent IT and communication revolution recedes into backdrop when the original ogre of racial differences raises it's ugly head.

The 'body search' carried out on the erstwhile Indian defence minister by the American immigration authorities and the 'unfriendly push' given to the BCCI President by the Australian gentlemen during the photo session carry the traces of racial complexes that do exist. Outright condemnations of such occasional instances, holding demonstrations and boycott calls may add strength to both groups' stands but yield little to achieve any realistic goals. Many conceive crimes but only the perpetrator becomes the criminal. In the instances cited, the anger of the insulted goes against the individuals, whereas the real culprit is the community's perceptions in which he is a member. These unsavory instances actually help communities to comprehend the ground realities and show them the long distance, which they all have to walk to establish a 'real global village'.

The American authorities tried to apply the law in letter but not in its spirit and thus sacrificed the soul of civilization. In their zealous application of rules, triggered by mounting insecurity, the humanism has become the victim. Suspicions lead to false alarms, false encounters and help build false conceptions. It's true that the physical distances have shrunk but the emotional differences have grown.   

Unity is not achieved by holding together, but in thinking together. The players of the winning team mounted on one another before the crowd to be cheered by them. But they forgot the appreciating crowd consisted none of their clan. Ugly things are not often exhibited. Even in their millisecond presence they cause maximum damage that lasts for many generations. A player of this winning team, if left out for the next series will seethe in anger and spit venom on the selectors forgetting the 'holding together' of the trophy and the champagne bath they had. The powerful emotions are always short-lived and won't last long.

Knowledge- the modern man has acquired may have helped him to increase his intelligence but definitely not his inner sense. Let us leave the momentary outbursts of a miniscule minority into the oblivion and move on further to build a society that will have many faces but one unitary heart.

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