Saturday, November 30, 2013

Rain or Fish or Organ Harvesting!

           1.     harness
  Exploit, control, channel, apply, employ, utilize, mobilize, make productive, turn to account, render  useful

  2.     harvest n.
1. The act or process of gathering a crop.
a. The crop that ripens or is gathered in a season.
b. The amount or measure of the crop gathered in a season.
c. The time or season of such gathering.
3. The result or consequence of an activity.

v. reapedreap·ingreaps
1. To cut (grain or pulse) for harvest with a scythe, sickle, or reaper.
2. To harvest (a crop).
3. To harvest a crop from: reaping a field.
4. To obtain as a result of effort: She reaped large profits from her unique invention.
1. To cut or harvest grain or pulse.
2. To obtain a return or reward.

I am not in agreement with people using the word 'harvesting' when the rewards were not the effect of their efforts. As a farmer it hurts me somehow. We  are free to use any other phrase or word to refer to the acts of collecting rain water, catching fish and in organ donations and their replacement.

Nothing we do to 'grow rains' but we call it a 'harvest'. In fact we all sing a negative rain-rhyme all over the world asking it to 'go away'.   Bad in spirit. In the similar manner 'harvest' means only a sickle and the Solitary Reaper of Wordsworth comes to my mind. People use nets to catch fish and call their 'catch' as 'harvest'. Again not in order. Finally the same  sickle or knife comes to my mind when doctors speak of 'harvesting organs'.  One shudders to think that the doctors are readying with a sharp knife ( the so called life savers) to cut open and reap or harvest an organ that is so dear to us as our Shylock would do .

Hence I suggest that 'rain  water collection' for ' rain or water harvesting'.  No need to harvest fishes.  People do use  'catch'  and many similar words and they do good.

And in organ donations  'organ collections or collecting is sufficient'.

More on rain harvesting.. no.. rain water collection .. later

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