Tuesday, November 12, 2013


" For most of us the earth is  a dust bin but for the place we live in.  At home  or work place every unwanted trash finds its exit either through the window or across the doors. The roads, rail tracks, parks, beach fronts and any other public place is littered by us so casually while talking about the cleanliness maintained by some other nations.  Here, the corners of any building sport red as the pawn chewers find  a psychological relief at the exit of the unwanted stuff and smokers find a 'cruel pleasure' on crushing the bud or throwing the burning bud on the vehicles around them as they release the last puff with their  inflated ego satisfied to the core. The males  are the worst culprits as they stop their  cars or bikes  and close their eyes to attend to the nature's call  by the side of a  busy road /rail track.  Imposing fines is fine : but the people's hearts should change if they want a better place to live in. The nation does not end with our home but begins from our home.The electronic media which is keeping the masses tied to the 'idiot box' should help create awareness among the public on this vital issue."

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