Saturday, November 23, 2013


Once upon a time and long long ago and no body can say how long ago, the roads were used for journey.

Today they are the only open spaces available for any work that is carried out in the open. Let us see how we misuse and abuse and overuse our roads.
1. The cables of electric and satellite channels pass through the arterial roads and every road
2. Water and drainage pipes
3. Oil pipe lines

Out of all these the oil pipe lines are the most dangerous. ( crude or kind ... I don't know) . They are literally live bombs that will explode and impact very heavy damages. A single spark on a leak is sufficient to erase millions of men habitations and trillions of dollars of wealth. The explosions in China is a point. Let us be more prudent in handling this crude-crude. When the intelligence agencies carry out searches for a single pipe bomb fearing attacks, how can we leave hundreds of kilometers of pipe bombs unprotected? It is natural corrosion and erosion would be there apart from the threats. Should we all sit or travel on a live bomb?

Dear planners,
Don't lay  any oil  pipe lines on roads.

A woman runs near a damaged street following the pipeline explosion in Qingdao



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