Sunday, November 3, 2013

Walk on a Snail's Face

Today many friends across the world would have done many noble acts. Some more would have achieved what they wanted or what the world wants from them . I could do  nothing of the big things. A little thing only. As I walked along the coal tar laid big high way I happened to notice one big sized snail trying to cross the man - made road. Just a few steps ahead one more younger shelled cousin too tried to copy her.   The poor creatures have got an idea neither about the speed of our vehicles nor  about the big median  erected high way. At their pace and for their size  which vehicle driver has got eyes to glimpse at this earthy friends! As the poor man thinks he is the owner and the sole occupant of the earth, the two snails were unaware of the dangers lying ahead were gliding smoothly.

I was fortunate or these two friends were fortunate  ...  I do not know. I could lift both the snails and left them in their safe havens. Definitely both the helmeted friends of me would have cursed me at the moment for breaking their journey. But I was glad that I could give extension to these two tiny friends in their journey of life.
My worry is how can I ensure that these two snails again enter the road. It is not possible for me. In a country where 1,50,000 people die on their roads who will bother for snails and dogs. Millions of creatures including elephants lose their lives when they enter man's tracks of roads or rails.

But the camels need not worry about their safety as men are dependent on them. Of course  there are people who eat its meat too. I forgot to tell you in my childhood,  I have noticed some collecting the snails during the rainy season and boiling them to remove the shells. The next day when we used to walk to our school, we would notice hundreds of snails' shells on the lake beds. They have served as good food for some. The heavy  outer cover they sport may protect them from their fellow creatures. But definitely not from man!

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