Saturday, November 2, 2013

Fuel Conservation on Roads

  • The first rule of fuel conservation would be to travel judiciously and curtail wasteful driving.
  • Wherever possible, available and convenient, use public transport instead of using your personal transport.
  • Matching the size of the vehicle to your need, would also go a long way in conserving fuel. For instance if you have the option of a personal car and a scooter, then use the scooter when only two persons have to travel, and the car if more persons have to travel or heavy luggage needs to be transported.
  • Car pooling to work, will not only conserve fuel, but will also improve social relations with your colleagues.
  • Following traffic signals will avoid traffic jams and reduce lower gear driving and idling.
  • As far as possible, avoid idling the vehicle, be it a car, scooter or any other mechanised transport.
  • The criteria for choosing the vehicle you are going to buy, should be its fuel efficiency.
  • There is no substitute for timely attention, servicing and tuning of the vehicle in fuel conservation and emission control. This should include checking injectors and spark plugs, correct tyre pressure, regreasing, topping up or renewal of lubricants for engine and gear boxes.
  • The use of quality lubricant is extremely important. There should not be any compromise on this aspect.
  • Correct driving habits are important for conservation. Try to avoid sudden speeding, braking, stopping, clutch riding, idling, over-speeding and over-loading.
  • Have your vehicle checked for emission control regularly - not only because defaulters ate fined, but because it leads to fuel conservation and pollution control, which as citizens of India, is our moral duty.It is time we inculcate these measures to become a part of our daily routines. Only by practising and preaching these conservation tips can we think of future progress. Given the difficult times ahead, it becomes our responsibility to spread this awareness, particularly amongst it the youth, who will be the citizens of tomorrow. Good habits taught early, will salvage the oil shortage to a great extent.

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