Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Love can't be Restricted to Humans Alone

Animals are  co-occupants of man on this earth.  They have got equal rights to enjoy and live in this place as we all do. But unfortunately many of us treat most of the animals as slaves. We think we are their masters and want them to obey our orders and do our work. They do obey us.

The concept of keeping pets itself shows man’s selfishness. By nature no animal requires man’s assistance for their survival. A man only needs their help. But man pretends and speaks a lot of the ways he cares for his pets. If there are 100 pet dogs in the town, there are 10,000 dogs on the street. Man,  if possible has to be kind to all pets and not to his preferred one alone.
Many people keep birds as their pets in cages and they speak a lot about their generosity and kindness. When the colored parrots cry in their jail the owner is happy and calls it they talk to him happily. A few grains, fruits and water are the gifts man offers to them. Definitely in the jungle they would remain happier. 
The bulls that till are o.k. The farmers too have to walk along with them and they give rest when they need. But the city bulls are the unluckiest as they have to compete with the vehicles dressed in  metal sheets vehicles going at great speed and a hot tar road which are not suitable for their hooves. The over ambitious bullock cart driver loads more and more. It is a pity at times to see them for the signal to turn red and the two wheelers flying and the bullock cart driver  too trying to twist the tails of the bulls very  hard and beat them with sticks to drive them fast.
It is not necessary to say that we should avoid their meat as man can survive without their meat.
There is no need to love them but let us not hate them and treat them harshly. At times people are tempted to eat the meat of camel and one of the tallest animals of our land gets killed.

 Man has to live in harmony with nature doesn't mean only green grass. It is about the living and non-living including the air, water, soil and  space. 


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