Monday, November 11, 2013


Solutions are more important after the identification of problems. As we are running short of space the programs on go green can be implemented in all our educational institutions around the world. I guess at least 1% of our public spaces is utilized by space intensive buildings like schools, colleges, government/private offices and universities. We can start rebuilding the last charm with these buildings as there are assembly of people in large numbers and hence we can go for Toilet linked bio gas plants. This technology at least is a century old. But hardly a few in our nation has created  and reap the advantages. Any people intensive area has to have this plant for the easy disposal of the waste. The fruits are many as we can utilize the waste as manure and we get gas for our use. Also  Bio gas Plants can be there as there will be large number of trees and we get lot of leaves and from plants a rich harvest of foliage. No need to plant plants like jatropha, but with the available bio-material we can get gas.

Waste water herbal garden.

Millions of gallons of water is used for various purposes and we don't have any plants to treat them and hence they enter into the gutters and we complain of water shortage. Let us treat them and use the same for watering  the plants in the campus. No need to invest in gardening. Each member of the institute comes up with a plant every year  and hence a variety and replenishment is on gradually. No need to appoint a gardener/ a team of gardeners. Every member   contributes a minimum of 15 minutes a day. The work is done. Instead of running on empty streets and doing exercises that build muscles and visiting gyms which are far away from our homes and spending money and time and spending fuel too... Easily we can build our health, mind and the garden in our institutions. It will act as a big relaxation too.

GO Solar

As enough space is there large sized panels receiving the sunlight can be erected and ensure clean energy at a cheap, cost.  

Green constructions
Our ancient structures stand there without any ounce of cement and a gram of steel. They steal our hearts and they are not falling prey to  corrosion and stay in our midst without any erosion.  
The structures are to come up in such a way that the rooms get enough sunlight and air. Simply a building that uses a tube lamp or an electric bulb during the day is not a green building. 

Go for rich man's huts.

When a poor man lives in a thatched house it is called ' a hut' and if a rich man builds the same in his farm house or on a beach front it becomes a 'cottage' and the same with some marketing agents' idea it becomes a 'heritage cottage'. To elaborate our culture if a poor man keeps a mongrel it is ' a  dog' and if the same by a rich man it becomes a 'pet'.

So just a style statement. Go for environment friendly thatched roof at least for cycle sheds canteen and some areas where relaxation is allowed. 

Rain Water Harvesting

The water we get without any effort is the rain water. As there is big cemented areas/terraces available in all educational institutions rain harnessing must be done. The design and the methods of saving it may vary. But kids are to be taught about the value of water. Water is the elixir of life.

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