Monday, November 4, 2013



The birds with wings never attempt to fly towards the sun. Only the man who has no such wings attempt to reach the sun with wings of wax. Exploration is his answer. Good for the explorer. What is not here on this planet ,that he is going to get in the Moon, Mars or in Jupiter. It is his nature to search  for ways to minimize the hardships. Nothing wrong. 

For instance he reaches his destinations of travel faster and easier. But after reaching his destination what does he do? The city dwellers mostly live in self-built jails called homes. Here the only difference between a jail and a home is that the keys are with the prisoners. They hardly talk to their neighbors or relatives. 24X7X365 days  : business talks or simply money making techniques.  

The distance between our cities have shrunk but the distance between peoples have grown. The so called friends assemble in an hotel for a dinner. All of them are talking. True; not to one another at the table, but  to some one on the phone. Even during the food the mobiles keep ringing and people continue to talk and eat too. Quite often I hear voices on phone even from the toilets or I see in open places people attending to 'nature calls' and 'mobile calls'. Billions of mobiles and they are all connected by internet too. But the real connect is missing.

People do see others' faces. Only through the televisions. People do talk. Only to mobiles. All are in safe homes. But ever one feels insecure. He has insurance for  his life, health, travel, baggage, house and all his belongings. No tiger or lion or even a poisonous cobra  can reach his 75th  storey apartment , still he has installed secret cameras at the entrance of his home and even inside. He smiles at everyone but is recording the voices of even cats and dogs. Some even carry guns with licences.

Roughly 50% of the world's resources are spent for arms that can eliminate humanity along with the other occupants. But every one preaches love. Father suspects his children and the mother searches for motives for the behavior of her husband. All are together but everyone feels aloof. 
More and more comforts for the body but nothing for the spirit. 

Meanwhile the rich wants to save for his generations due to take birth in the next millennium and the poor wants to save his life today from hunger and cold. People die in the deserts in thirst. 
But the thirst for war in man is becoming more aggressive and he is in research for exploring reasons to have a war. He has no faith in the Faiths he professes and trusts not anyone including self. 

The need of the hour is a world that can share and care; that will reach and not preach. All we need to unite the world is not a 'net' but a simple smile on our faces and hearts. The hearts have to speak and man has to learn that art. The deadly weapons are only attractive in films. In real they are lethal and fatal. Let us not manufacture any arms to harm our humanity but extend our arms to charm our neighbors.  

The pollution of minds of humans is to be addressed before we address any pollution to the environment. 

Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
May 21, on the Liucheng County stretch of the 209 National Highway in Guangxi Liuzhou city, Liu Lingchao carrying his mobile “home” on his shoulders as he walks on the road.

Guangxi Man Spends 5 Years Carrying “House” on Shoulders Throughout Journey Home

With suntanned skin and wearing Liberation shoes, Liu Lingchao is walking forward quickly while carrying a 1.5 meters wide, 2.2 meters tall “house” on his shoulders. After walking about 50 meters, he puts down his “house”, retraces his steps picking up discarded water bottles, sorts and places them in several woven bags, then lifts up his “house”, repeating this over and over again. 38-year-old Liu Lingchao is from Guangxi province Liuzhou city Rong’an county Tantou town. 20 years ago, he left his hometown to find work in the Guangzhou and Shenzhen area. After the idea of returning home came to him 5 years ago, he made a 60kg simple house like this, and departed from Guangdong walking towards his hometown. Along the way, Liu Lingchao refused to to accept anyone’s help, relying only on collecting discarded waste for a living, carrying his “house” forward on his journey by day, and camping out by the side of the road at night. He has already worn out three such “houses”, and today only has about 20 kilometers more before arriving home. This reporter learned that there indeed is such a person from the town of Tantou in RongAn county, whose family lives in Longcun village in Longcheng. From Xinhua (Photos: Li Hanchi)
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Lingchao carrying woven bags filled with [discarded] water bottles on his shoulders as he walks on the road, his mobile “house” behind him. From Xinhua (Photos: Li Hanchi)
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Linchao placing his portable “house” on the side of the road, resting.

Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Linchao cooking a meal in his portable “house”.
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
Liu Lingchao, a Chinese man from Guangxi who has spent the past 5 years walking across the country on a journey back to his hometown carrying a portable "house" (makeshift shelter) on his shoulders, collecting recyclable garbage to make a living.
News  and Photos courtesy:

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