Friday, November 29, 2013


Often the Truth is an orphan, whereas falsehood'd have many claimants. Truth's attires attract none, whereas falsehood's distract  everyone. Everyone wants to celebrate truth but owns falsehood. Though both these are 'abstracts' in grammar, lies emerge stronger, they breath fresh even in stale conditions and omnipresent in their presence.

For around five decades now the 'green champions' are championing the cause with much failure. Just as I sailed in the prelude to this piece, all of us love to do good things but end up  doing bad things. These actions of us are not intentional but conventional and done for our  convenience. 

Morocco, Milan, Rio, Kyoto, Copenhagen, Warsaw... the cities that hosted these conferences become popular but the messages are  forgotten. Big leaders with bigger entourage raising big hopes land on  these big cities' sky high hotels and conduct their proceedings under roofs that are envied by the real stars in the sky. They burn millions of kilo litres of fossil fuel  and discuss at length how to reduce the burning of fossil fuel. They are there for green but spend kilowatts of electrical  energy and lung energy and discuss how to reduce the use of energy. Just as they are in the cool conference halls, cooling their heels, the AC machines spit heat outside the halls.  

Instead of going and growing green, the concrete jungles are growing  and there is only one difference between these two jungles. Both of them grow: the green jungles grow poorer in their area and the white richer in their area (space and height). 

Good conferences, good ambience, good food, good picnics and finally autographs and new friendships. As they depart to their respective destinations  they carry more in their brown bags and less in their green bags. Good opportunities to meet to reduce meat or heat. But nothing  about 'WARMING' of this Earth, everything about the Charming places to visit. Long Live Green Conclaves!
People are concrete in their thinking and buildings. No change. The colour of the jungles change from green to white. Nothing serious....

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