Saturday, November 9, 2013

Crude Still Stored in India

Photo : Cairns

India today imports her major requirements of crude from the Gulf.  The Gulf  countries which are lucky to possess the buried treasure own this 20th and 21st centuries.  As the hydro carbons are fast depleting the explorations for the carbons are on. India,  which is emerging as one of the top five guzzlers of this crude - crude goes on searching. The discoveries  are heartening. Indian western states which have the Thar desert and the Rann of Kutch , the seventh largest desert in the world still remains  untapped. As the oil flowing Gulf and India separated by a few hundred kilo meters, India too have rich sources of this crude.  India is going to meet her requirements of carbon in future on her  own. 

But  more discoveries and more oil and more vehicles would result in more pollution. Alternate forms of fuel which are available today and more in the future are to be utilized. No need to quarrel over  who polluted more in the past and would do so in the future. We all have to fight this menace and save this earth together. 


Cairn India is one of the largest independent oil and gas exploration and production company and has a working interest in seven blocks in India and one each in Sri Lanka and South Africa. Three of these are currently producing hydrocarbons. Cairn India is focused on creating shareholder value by developing its world class resource base in Rajasthan and seeks to continue with its track record of exploration success. Cairn India’s portfolio is fostered in both mature and frontier areas, as well as in regions and basins where the current data set can be optimised or reinterpreted.

For the year ended 31 March, 2013, the revenues of Cairn India was INR 175,241 million (US$ 3,223 million), a 48% increase over the previous year and profit after tax (excluding forex and impact of the reorganisation) of 116,063 million (US$ 2,135 million), a 56% increase over the previous year.


India imports about two-thirds of its crude oil requirement. Exploration and production of oil and gas is critical for India's energy security and economic growth. Reliance's oil and gas exploration and production business is therefore inexorably linked with the national imperative. Exploration and production, the initial link in the energy and materials value chain, remains a major growth area and Reliance envisions evolving as a global energy major.

Energy markets have improved significantly over the past 12-15 months as a result of improved economic growth, higher demand for refined products and limited supplies of crude oil. In 2010, global oil demand grew by 3.4% (or 2.9 MMBD) to 87.9 MMBD, which is the highest growth in the last 30 years. Emerging Asia which comprises India and China, accounted for 40% of the oil demand increase. Global LNG markets also grew by 13% and are currently at 275 million tonnes per annum (MMTPA).


  • Only Indian energy major in Fortune's Most Admired List 2012 under 'Mining, Crude Oil Production' category.
ONGC is the only fully–integrated petroleum company in India, operating along the entire hydrocarbon value chain. It has single-handedly scripted India's hydrocarbon saga. Some key pointers:
  • ONGC has discovered 6 out of the 7 producing basins in India:
  • It has 7.59 billion tonnes of In-place hydrocarbon reserves. It has to its credit more than 320 discoveries of oil and gas with Ultimate Reserves of 2.69 Billion Metric tonnes (BMT) of Oil Plus Oil Equivalent Gas (O+OEG) from domestic acreages.
  • Pioneering Efforts
  • It has cumulatively produced 851 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT) of crude and 532 Billion Cubic Meters (BCM) of Natural Gas, from 111 fields.
  • ONGC has won 121 out of a total 235 Blocks (more than 50%) in the 8 rounds of bidding, under the New Exploration Licensing Policy (NELP) of the Indian Government.
  • ONGC's wholly-owned subsidiary ONGC Videsh Ltd. (OVL) is the biggest Indian multinational, with 30 Oil & Gas projects (9 of them producing) in 15 countries.
  • Produces over 1.24 million barrels of oil equivalent per day, contributing over 64% of India's domestic production. Of this, over 75% of crude oil produced is Light & Sweet.
  • The Company holds the largest share of hydrocarbon acreages in India (51% in PEL Areas & 67% in ML Areas).
  • ONGC possesses about one tenth of the total Indian refining capacity.
  • ONGC has a well-integrated Hydrocarbon Value Chain structure with interests in LNG and product transportation business as well.
  • A unique organization in world to have all operative offshore and onshore installations (403) accredited with globally recognized certifications.

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