Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Dear Green Champions,
Do join the line up. This is not yet another charity aiming your funds. No need to sacrifice any thing.  Spare just a few moments snatched from your precious time for the cause of the planet that supports you.

The global campaign to save the planet Earth is on and it’s the duty of every inhabitant of this earth to contribute his mite to save the environment by following sustainable development methods. It’s not the survival of the present generation but the survival of the future generations is in question. It’s not the survival of the humans alone but the survival of every bio-organism living on earth is in question.

In our campaign neither jargons nor any big guns are involved. Just people expecting a change in the attitude of man towards man, the environment he lives in and the living organism called The EARTH. Positive Actions are expected from everyone who cares for the mother Earth. No long lectures on global warming and pep talks on climate change and green house effects-just a small departure from our regular schedule to care for this Earth.

Why is this campaign?

Simple is the answer.  Earth is the only planet that supports life. The earth is warmer today than the previous century.  At this rate the earth’s average temperature which is at 14.4* c could rise by about 5*-8*c by the year 2050. Our closest planetary neighbors Venus is blistering at 449* c and the Mars at -55*c. Hence, there is no prospect of man’s migration to those planets.  (Cheers are heard at the discovery of water in Moon by our Chandrayan moon mission!)

What will happen to me due to a small variation in the temperature of earth after 30-40 years?
You may not get affected. But your co-inhabitant may get affected. Sure your generations would be. The house you bequeath to your heirs may become unlivable in a hostile earth.

Yes. The variations predicted are very small. But small variations in temperature could have big impacts. Climate change will affect every aspect of life directly or indirectly. There will be more and more Katrinas and Reetas. (Cyclones, storms, floods, heat wave conditions, droughts and all weather extremes)

Am I vulnerable?

In the year 2009 you are not. You may not in 2050 too. But remember it’s always the vulnerable sections of the society/societies get affected in any vagaries of nature. Also remember the Tsunami and the terrific cyclones make no difference between the rich and the poor. It’s not the question of vulnerability of the present. It’s the future of the future-that is involved.

What should I do?
Do the things that help the planet’s sustainability and don’t do things that disturb the fragile balance.
Is planting trees alone a solution?
Definitely not so. It’s one of the ways to conserve our environs by getting more O2, more rains, more natural food, less soil erosion et al.

Then what is the solution?
Just live in harmony with nature. Desire for fewer things. Reduce your comforts. Be aware of the impact on planet earth due to your actions. Learn, practice, preach and convince.  

Tips to follow first and preach later.

At   Home.
  • Reduce your needs ( A little bit of Gandhism will do)  
  • Keep open the windows. No lights/fans during the day.
  • Use less energy. Utilize your physical energy.
  • Systems are not needed for every letter of your thinking with printers in tow
  • Consume less paper and think twice before you give the ‘print’ command
  • Restrict your TV timings to the minimum
  • Avoid travels/outings a little more
  • Walk or  use cycle at every possible opportunity
  •  Vehicles are not status symbols instead they are slaves of you and don’t become a slave to them.
  • Car pooling is not a fashionable idea but a sustainable suggestion. Practice it.
  • If your work is system dependent make sure you don’t travel out burning the precious fuel. Execute the work from your home.
  • It’s not your affordability but the question of availability of the fuel and sustainability of the planet
  • Support the rural masses’ products and avoid factory packed foods
  • Stop paying for the packaging and the air concealed
  • Don’t go by the advertisements and go by your experience before buying any new thing
  • Teach your kids on simple living  and practice the same in your lives
  • One can become a live cat or a tiger or a lion and entertain the child instead of buying an expensive toy and fill the room
  • Simplicity is a virtue and definitely not stinginess
  • Buy vegetables fresh and consume.
  • Let the refrigerators be with the shopkeepers and you don’t need  one if  you plan wisely
  • Kitchen Gardening can’t be a hobby but a must for every household.
  • Those who use should be able to produce too
  • Utilize every bit of earth available around you.
  • Go for sowing/planting/ saving saplings
  • It’s a sin to ignore a seed and virtue to take care of it
  • Plants on even  a 10-storeyed buildings’ walls  prove that the seeds  want a place to lie and grow
  • Use CFL lamps instead incandescent bulbs
  • Take the kids  to different schools/institutions of higher learning
  •  Take the kids  to your relatives’/friends’ homes on week ends
  • TV / Internet will not be solution but  a problem if adult guidance is not there 
  • Go compact to save energy
  •  Learn to adapt and stop complaining at your physical discomforts
  • Hell and heaven – no such geographical entities exist: it all depends on our thinking 

While  Shopping       
  • Start buying what you need and avoid shopping what you see
  • Learn to do window shopping
  • Kids are not to accompany you at every opportunity instead fix a day for a museum or a park or a live art performance
  • Don’t step out without a comfortable bag that can carry your intended purchases
  • Choose shops where you get things on order and not super markets/retail chains where  you are chained by the packaging and the offers with a hidden marketing agenda
  • Plan your buying and not fall a victim to the persuasions of the sellers
  • Remember offers will empty your coffers

At your work spots
  • Carry the message of caring for the earth ever
  • Polythene or plastics or fossil fuels are not our enemies but friends identified as harmful
  • On foot-cycling-public transport-two wheeler-car pooling must be the order of priority for reaching your office
  • Every energy conserving  idea has to be explored  and implement what ever is possible which you follow at your home
  • Save energy and step in wherever it is needed
  • Energy consumed in office is no different from the energy at your home. Have the same attitude of conservation
  • Bring home made lunch in reusable carriers
  • Get convinced and develop the same attitude in others
  • The talk of Green Earth is not a fashionable idea for the elite; but an ideal to be followed by every one
Campaign Approach
The campaign is not restricted to any group or individuals. But the torch bearers would be the school children. The disseminators of this campaign theme would be the leaders, the print and the electronic media and all of us .

Who is behind the campaign?
The Nation is behind the Campaign.
What are the expectations from every one?
CO2 Reduction and O2 Production
Sow Seeds and Nurture them.
Plant Saplings and Nurture them.
Use stems of trees (Trees like Banyan)
Protect existing trees
Protest deforestation
Save water bodies
Create new water bodies
Pollute not the water bodies
Plant and be planting
Motivate the people around you to go for tree plantation
 Remember the earth belongs to everyone
Rivers are like the blood vessels; let them carry water not garbage
Use less fertilizers and pesticides and switch over to natural manures
Discourage pouch culture   and encourage traditional lifestyles
Dispose of polythene, glass, e-waste and plastic as advised by the local authorities

                      Let us learn to live with nature and not without nature

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