Sunday, November 10, 2013

Try to minimize every size

Energy efficiency

Reduce your energy consumption:
  • turn off computers when not in use
  • turn off office lighting when not in use
  • activate sleep mode on your computer to switch off the screen after 10 minutes
  • switch off office equipment at night when leaving the office.
Reduce the carbon emissions:
  • book a departmental hybrid diesel or a four cylinder car for travel when possible
  • use car pooling to attend meetings or take public transport
  • organise green meetings using teleconferences or videoconferences where possible.

Waste minimisation

Reduce packaging and food waste:
  • bring your own mug to work and have crockery set aside for visitors' use
  • carefully calculate the amount of food ordered for meetings to avoid wastage.
Reduce paper and printing products:
  • avoid colour printing. Colour printing generally uses more ink, so use black and white if possible
  • print in draft mode to conserve even more ink. It will generally lighten the shade, but you'll still be able to read your copy clearly
  • print double sided per A4 page if you have duplex printing or photocopying
  • set printing default to double-sided printing
  • use scrap paper for notes
  • read and edit documents on screen where possible
  • think before printing emails or documents to ensure it is absolutely necessary
  • make sure you have access to paper, cardboard and organic recycling bins.
Increase use of recycling:
  • purchase and use recycled paper and printer cartridges
  • increase the recycling percentage of paper (10%, 80%, 100%)
  • use the stationery catalogue which has a green tree icon to highlight products that are eco-friendly or use recycled content. Choose these items as they make a difference
  • place all used paper (used on both sides) in the recycling bin
  • recycle folders for meetings
  • collect cardboard boxes for re-use or if recycling place them in your recycling area
  • place your glass and plastic bottles, aluminium cans, tin cans, milk and juice cartons in the yellow top recycling bin.
Minimise water wastage:
  • conserve water by reporting leaks
  • ensure taps are completely turned off.
Courtesy: education. Queensland .govt.

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