Saturday, September 14, 2013

Those Who Know Answers Keep Raising Questions

It is a well known fact that the growth of population is the biggest enemy of mankind and the earth. The feverish campaigns to save earth are necessitated only due to this abominable growth. But the two most populous nations of the world take no steps to slow the growth of this good evil. At least China is taking some steps to check the monstrous growth  but India which did a little in the 1970's totally forgot the issue and is so proud of its 'human resources'.

The born are the people destined to suffer but the unborn are the blessed. People forget this fact but India continues to create a continent like Australia every year. In this non-interference of the state politics,religion,caste,illiteracy,ignorance and tradition are involved. India can think of prescribing a minimum ( say five children per family) if not now of or in the near future  at least from the year 2500 or 3000 A.D. on wards.

 It is not that they fill their nations with people,  they migrate to greener pastures and apply pressure on the resources available over there. According to the U.N. reports U.S. is the country which received maximum immigrants in the last decade,as literally people from every land is there. (The irony is every nation which denounces the U.S for various reasons are  in the fore front in pushing her citizens towards U.S. For instance the Indian press which attacks everyday the U.S for any problem anywhere in the world won't leave any chance to travel or settle down there.)

 People  forget that it is not their affordability which matters; the availability of resources the earth can spare.  The high rise buildings of our cities or the metal sheet machines that crawl our roads are not indicative of any 'growth or development' as is portrayed. They are the symbols of shame. At least 50% of the world populace today lives in rural parts. If they too follow suit and go for migration towards cities seeking employment, the pressure on the resources of earth would be 100%.

If the kitchen and bath room waste is of a 100 households in a village the waste water is  utilized for gardening  and if the number is 100,000 then we need a drainage system and the drains go and join a river or an ocean and pollute the system. The talk of recycling involves lot of money and machinery and hardly 1% of the total waste water generated is recycled today,in spite of sustained campaigns for about 3 decades.

The same is the story of garbage disposal. When the habitats are scattered with minimum households they go for utilizing the bio degradable materials for farming and bury all such materials which in turn enriched the health of the soil. But when we all start living in a smaller area in millions in close proximity the garbage disposal becomes an issue of epic proportion  due to various reasons. Today the city managers are left with no space to dump their mountain of garbage as every village or residents object to the dumping of garbage in their locality. Even when the facility is a most modern one the local people object to the very presence of machines. Protests are seen all over the world against such proposals or disposals of garbage.

Also the additional roads, concrete houses, vehicular population do follow putting a lot of strain on the scarce resources. Things become scarce as more people are there to consume. The humanity will perish if some 30-40 countries are allowed to grow as they grow today. The main culprits are the Asian and African nations. Hope they leave their tradition and the humanity to survive.

"UNITED NATIONS — Africa and Asia are the continents that will see the fastest urban population growth in the next 40 years, a UN report said on April 5, noting that India and China are leading the surge.The population of African cities will almost treble from 414 million now to more than 1.2 billion by 2050, while Asia will grow from 1.9 billion to 3.3 billion in that period, said the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. When combined, Africa and Asia will represent 86 percent of the growth in the world's urban population in the next 40 years, the "World Urbanization Prospects" report said."

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