Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Farmers grow crops but traders grow sharp,
Sowing seeds and reaping poverty,
They see traders’ sowing greed and harvesting prosperity,
Shoppers get sops but farmers get sobs.

Farmers sow grains and the traders reap gains,
Fertile lands demand fertilizers and
Their futile hands on barren lands,
Pests come free but not the pesticides.

Everything on loan and nothing they own,
Their granaries are empty,
But the merchants’ coffers are full.

Farmers’ interest in the lands,
And the 'interest' on the loans grow.
Suicides from every side as tide…
A farmer should not lose his farm and form,

Friend, till, till you become still,
Bury seeds and not yourself.
Let poverty be your property,

Let the dirty city grow to prosperity.

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