Sunday, September 15, 2013

New Inventions, New Problems, Know Solutions.

Man has neither an ideal mind nor an idle one. He explores,explodes  and gets exhausted. He is united by the land,plants,air and water. The unique power of thinking gifted to him by God makes each individual a unique creature. Though all come under the 'humans' category, due to the thinking skills he is really unique in killing skills. For instance, yesterday there was a news item in Chennai,India a son pouring acid into the mouth of his own father and killing him. The extraordinary powers he possesses, if utilized properly would  bring  good to the humanity; if not havoc to the race. History has ample instances to prove this proposition. By doing good, he becomes an angel and by bringing misfortune, he turns into a devil.

The innumerable guns of myriad fashions, for instance the dreaded AK-47, alone has eliminated millions of men from this earth. Death is certain and none can escape but few men carrying guns in their hands and gun powder in their minds makes this earth- a fertile field- a permanent battle field. We see on the streets of Baghdad, every day blood bath.The Syrians have used gas  to silence her own citizens. Innocent children who do not know what a war is, perished without any mark. The civilized world is divided and watching it going perilously.

People long to go to heaven, when there is a heaven in their hands. Different Faiths show hands towards the sky and exhorts them to aim for it. By making this earth a hell, he longs for tomorrow. He postpones happiness to tomorrow. Happiness is a state of mind. It should be there during every moment he lives. The moment will not come from outside at one particular time. Right now it is there. One need not travel, wait, invest and long to possess it.

Another major conflict in the  minds of man is his attempts to protect his God/s. All religions preach peace. I don't think so- they breach peace. He says God is omnipotent. But to protect his God from his neighbor, he takes a weapon. He fights for providing a  place for him - as if God is shelter less- and yells and sells God and his qualities. The efforts to make this earth a better place would be a distant dream as long as man prefers gun to pen. The Gods of India are not known in Africa and the Gods of Africa are not known in India. Instead of searching and researching on unknown Gods and their ways of saving us, we can very well live in peace with our known fellow beings.   The civilized man have turned the rivers into black and the uncivilized to red.  How to make this earth green?

Till man realizes that Gods have the ability to look after themselves, he can't live in peace. 

"My study and experience of nonviolence have proved to me that it is the greatest force in the world. It is the surest method of discovering the truth and it is the quickest because there is no other. It works silently, almost imperceptibly, but none the less surely. It is the one constructive process of Nature in the midst of incessant destruction going on about us. I hold it to be a superstition to believe that it can work only in private life. There is no department of life, public or private, to which that force cannot be applied. But this nonviolence is impossible without complete self-effacement."  Gandhiji's message to Americans...
Message To World Tomorrow, New York, November 14, 1924

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