Sunday, September 1, 2013



We are all worried the land gets spoiled due to the  heavy use of fertilizers  and pesticides. They have become chemical laboratories with layers of chemicals spread over the years to increase the yield. Without urea  and DAP (di-amonium phospate) or zypsum our crops refuse to grow. O.K.  That is the story of the earth's body. What about the human body?  

Today next to food and water drugs have become the major intake  of human beings. Millions of tons of chemicals (solid,powder, liquid  or semi-liquid) in the form of pills, capsules and injections enter the humans willingly,voluntarily. Most of them to take these drugs to reduce their pains and remove illness and aiming cure. The modern medicine does play a major role in reduction of pain, preventing and  avoiding  diseases. These chemicals have extended the longevity of man's life on earth. Today man can expect to live longer than his fore fathers.  No doubt. Even the water he drinks has got a chlorine tinge and the so called pure waters undergo  different processes before it reaches a customer. The food items are with preservatives  as he wants fast food and wants to increase their shelf life.  But should we consume these pills to drive away our ills at this pace?  

Just like the pleasure pain is also a process of the body that is experience by the body. Today people take tablets  in advance -as a precautionary measure- to avoid headache or common cold. They forget the body has got enough tolerance and their are enough  'cell soldiers'  White blood cells, or leukocytes to fight the evil forces and sources. The result is in the name of precaution  the human  body is exposed to X-rays, chemicals, scans and many other harmful substances and rays. All these when there are no visible diseases or pain or injuries. It is a fashion or passion- i don't know... people proudly declare that they consume more tablets than others everyday. Forget the abnormal people who want to increase or decrease their body weight and size overnight.' Pay for 30 kg and lose extra 15 kg'     advertisements are quite common and these fitness experts make them eat innumerable tablets and capsules and send in liquids to get instant results. Hormonal injections to grow swiftly and injections to increase performance and the regular drug users... all have made this humanity a mystery with their love for chemistry.   Vitamin tablets and tonics are rampant and even in rural areas people prefer these laboratory made products to home grown vegetables and fruits. 

For instance in today's newspaper I came across an advertisement.

Mesotheraphy; This fat loss therapy works on  multiple tiny injections every week for 6 weeks with a broken fat- dissolving substance.

Human Growth Harmone:   Feel 15 years younger with increase in muscle marks less of body fat. Requires weekly shots.

Kenacort: Reduce those ugly motor -bike keloid scars with 2-4 injections
Testosterone: a shot every 10-14 days 

 One of the enemies  of 'going green'  is this drug and medicine industry. Their pollution is high and the dangers of their hospital waste is next  only to hazardous chemical industries. The poor slum kids and other rag pickers get their hands pricked by these use and throw needles and their contribution to the pollution of this earth requires urgent attention.The Hospital industries utility things are mostly USE AND THROW models and of plastic and steel and not to talk of the harmful germs they transfer. 

The need of the hour is rich R& D  that reduces the usage of steel, polythene and plastic at least by 10% by the end of this decade.  The doctors should become better counselors and not prescribe  a heap of drugs for a simple illness. If food is taken as medicine there will be no need for medicine. The stomach is a simple flesh wall with blood vessels. Don't fill this innocent harmless 'processor'  with  varieties  of  oil and spices. Filling a stomach with  varieties of food items may satisfy your tongue and senses; but definitely the stomach struggles to digest them . Our stomachs are not dustbins to carry heaps of garbage. Just eat to live and not live to eat. 

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