Monday, September 9, 2013

An Unknown Technique of Going Green!

Lord Bragateeswara Temple built by the Cholas... 1000 years old.

In  India we are proud that there are buildings which are of 1000 year old or more and  British structures which are around 200 year old but still intact. But even important buildings built after the independence (1947) in all our major cities are desolate and every 20 or 30 years we have to construct new structures. Of course we get a new structure and employment opportunities are generated and more industry would flourish... Good. 

 But one mysterious aspect that one can't fail to notice is growing papal, jamoon, neem or banyan trees on the terraces, side walls and on the sides of bridges.   Invariably they grow on the housing board colonies and the public apartments. Even grass and almost a jungle at times are visible on these cemented structures. It is to be noted that in the same campus with hundreds of acres lying barren and deserted. On inquiry I was told that water will be wasted if  they plant trees and the trees'  branches would block sun light.  Good reasoning indeed! 

The advantages of growing trees on terraces/walls are many. To start with we don't need to plant and the work is done by birds (aerial seeding!) and there is no need to pour water too as  the work is done by nature. Also the grown up trees provide cool shade and thus reducing the cost of power. 

Some may think why is the plant  allowed to grow and it may damage the structure? It may be a good question. But going green is important and the tradition here is only the concerned authority has  to come and  uproot such plants. Also they consider it a sin to remove small and tender plants.  Being a small sized nation (3,287,263 km²) a single man doing all works such as this is a little difficult. 

Some may ask why these avian friends are not choosing private buildings for their 'sowing'. Again a nice doubt. But are we not preferring  a government job to a private one? Normally we occupy only government lands...simply birds follow us. Also in private buildings if the same happens.... not at all possible there are people who would shoo away crows and the parrots even if they happen to perch on their walls... forget bird droppings. Every second their eyes will be on their walls and quarrels would erupt with the neighbor if a few paint drops fall on their house walls accidentally. They care really. 

Why only these two trees? Their seeds are too small and tiny.

For me going green is important and nothing else.  

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