Thursday, September 12, 2013


" BRIBERY in the name of mamul (custom) and the like to railway officials and the others is not an unusual occurrence in Indian life. Any official with whom the public has anything to do is generally said to be open to receive bribes even for the performance of his duty, not to speak of committing breach thereof. I have had to suffer in my time for refusing to pay  a paltry anna at the third-class ticket windows for getting my ticket  in my turn which would never come because favorites had to be served first. The customs and the railways are the two departments with which the general public have to come in frequent touch....they have come to think that these (mamul) prerequisites are  a part of their pay."

That was Gandhiji's experience and today none demands a bribe at the ticket windows of Indian railways .... other areas where bribe thrive is well known. 

Bribery cripples the poor and they have got ripple effect. It raises the advantaged more advantaged and keeps the less advantaged permanently  as less advantaged. More money with less people harms the humanity.

When the Mumbai Sensex fell some days back by 700 points, the black media called it as 'black day' and reported loss of 2 lakh crores to the poor (!) investors. But the same cunning media didn't utter a single word when the same sensex  has risen by 1700 points this week. Sitting at home some people have earned at least 5 lakh crores whereas for the poor 100 days work for 100 rupees is there.

Money earned in any unnatural way is Bribery. It is not restricted to government departments alone. The corruption is all pervasive and present and visible everywhere. 

Simplicity is a virtue. When more money is in circulation with less number of people, it does more harm to the society. 

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