Sunday, September 22, 2013

Charter for Redemption

Listing environmental problems  is easy. Lifting this earth out of those problems is difficult. But sustained campaigns without any change in the lifestyles or attitudes of people are meaningless. Everyone knows what is right and what is good for our environment. But everyone speaks of the TINA factor. (There Is No Alternate) . 

Use of polythene and paper/jute/cloth materials

As we have to cut down trees to make paper, we jumped to polythene as it is cheap and available in plenty. Today polythene has proved to be harmful to the environment  and we are all minimizing its use. But conscious efforts by everyone every time will make this earth a healthier place.  To our dismay the business establishments and hotels pack everything in mini, small,medium, and large sized covers endlessly. In South India every side dish is packed in individual covers and at the end of one traditional meal one can see a heap of garbage of polythene. 

Fossil fuel use

Every vehicle on the road is not on essential duty. We are not in a position to force people to be conservative and advise them to use their vehicles only for essential trips.  The result is pollution at high levels. Dual pricing may be an answer. Fixing a higher price for non-essential vehicles, fuel guzzling high speed cars, sports cars may be an answer.

Migration and Urbanization

The biggest issue  that is becoming more and more complex is this issue. Life can be in cities only. This attitude is fresh and bubbling among the minds of all of us and hence the villages are deserted and  cities are becoming concrete maze or jungles. Even in the jungles the trees may grow to be  of 200-300  feet height maximum. Our concrete trees have grown up to 1000 meters (Dubai) and growing further. These structures are attractive and people are competing  with birds and build and live in those nests. 

Wailing over losses wouldn't take us ahead. Let us think of alternatives.

Charter for Redemption

1. The governments the world over distribute at least a bi-cycle a household without any question and without any delay.
2. Increase the fuel tax  to very high levels for  big/ high end vehicles and collect them on roads/toll booths. 
3. Increase the rates for aviation turbine sky high. 
4. Plan marketing  and distribution in such a way that you don't have to import a simple fruit/vegetable  from  yet another continent. Today in India we import apples from the U.S and Australia.
5. All of us have to learn to use and survive using things that are available locally. ( Farmers are proud that their flowers are getting exported to distant lands like the Europe,Gulf and the U.S on the eve of St.Valentine's day. Can't a lover/lady love  grow a single rose in Paris or Auckland and present it to his/her friend?)
6. Import is to be allowed for very essential items (food and medicines) and all non-essential items have to attract very high duties.
7.  Let us learn to lead simple ways of  living  and not long for comfort at every moment.
8. Be aware that still there are millions of indigenous people who live in total harmony with nature. They are still untouched by our sciences of religion, philosophy,education,health concepts and entertainment. 
9. Give monthly  incentives for the people who live in houses of clay/wood  walls and thatched roofs. Don't make them switch over to concrete houses.
10. Reduce usage of Energy. Avoid lighting during the day.  Keep your windows open. 

To continue....

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