Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pollution - not to be Seen in Industrial Activities Alone.

Today everyone is seeking a solution to the pollution to the environment. What about the poisonous gases, chemicals, biological weapons and the nuclear arsenals? Are they so pure? Why didn't the Indian media report the use of poisonous gases against civilians in Syria? Polluted media?

For Indian media, the electronic and the print, whatever the U.S. does, they are there to oppose them. They have one common stand - be against the U.S. Ably assisted by politicians they take grand stands as is they are the avatars of peace. The queues  before the American consulates are long  and winding. A day before they come for the interview they  occupy vantage positions for the next day interview. Two million Indians are there happily sending dollars to their kith and kin. The Indian media is proud to announce here  of a Governor or a judge or a CEO of Indian origin. They claim credit for a Nobel laureate  who left the Indian shoress six decades ago. The top leadership of the country makes at least a trip a year to the U.S. The Indian states are proud to declare they have a FORD or a company that has its roots in the U.S. The constant updating on the percentage of Indians serving in NASA is proverbial here. Kalpana Chawla or Sunitha Williams  are big celebrities.

Every department or a common man's system opens up on a Windows of Microsoft. India is IT. They say. Google, Yahoo, Skype, Twitter, You tube, Apple,Facebook,Twitter.... the list is endless. And all  use and utilize but up in arms against the U.S led by one old newspaper  pretending to be patriotic.

Only samples are given above. The media of India went in the same traditional way  and reported nothing on the deadly chemical attacks carried out in Syria. We do not bother who did it. But is it not the duty of the press to report about the high casualties? Not a single photo. Not a single line. What would have  happened  if they had reported. The newspapers which talk of the POLLUTION and SMOKE smoked the news item  for the reasons known to them only.

Now Russia in league a definite program  is on to wipe out Weapons of mass destruction in Syria.  Honesty is not for individuals alone; for institutions and societies and civilizations too. 

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