Sunday, September 15, 2013


Convenience and hygiene are the two advantages of using pet water bottles. When repeatedly we talk against plastics or polythene people do get bored. But as the talks and discussions' intensity grows so do the usage of  the same materials. 

We used to drink water from lakes, running streams, fountains we dug on dry river sands, on beaches, and wells directly and the containers were of baked mud or copper later, ever silver. At times we would draw water with the help of big iron /aluminium buckets too. When I say these children laugh at me and they were unable to believe these. They all think that all these were there some million years ago. I'm not million years old. At 48. All these just 30 years ago. 

Today people use a paper cup for every sip. None can deny this. If one uses a cup used by another person what dreadful disease they may contract I don't know. None is ready to wash a plate or glass and use the same again. Even our maharajas were using only silver or copper vessels and plates and they used those for generations. Today USE AND THROW is the mantra. First part of this phrase is o.k. The second part raises questions. Where? On the land.

This is not to preach that none should use plastics. To minimize the usage it where ever possible. Think a moment before you use a cup.  
For a sweet of 20 grams a plastic box of 2 grams. What harm would be there if we serve the same with a tea spoon?

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