Monday, September 23, 2013

See the Seas Rising!

Yes, the climate Scientists' warnings all these years remained the same. Many believe the truth. Many more are unwilling to believe the story. Different methods,different standards in different regions in different periods were observed and results pronounced. But the world looks at this proposition with suspicion. They say they lack the willing suspension of disbelief.

The question is not of sea rise or ocean rise but the fall of  the  earth and the fall of the mankind. It is not an argument between the climate scientists and their opponents but an agreement between the both. The agreement is to assess the loss the earth has suffered over the years, and not the gain each party has made. Simply climate scientists are not doomsday mongers who are out there to propagate what is not there.

From the Arctic to the Antarctic, every thing is chaotic. The earth is in  sick bed and in ICU care  and we don't need again a blood test or 'flood test' to prove the point. We know our rivers are dead or if alive, they carry only  murky waters. The bio-life on such freshwater rivers and on their banks have become a thing of the past. Hardly a few major rivers are running in spite of  the attempts to ruin them. It is for sure the kind humanity will succeed in the near future.

Big mountains are blasted to get materials for the construction of houses and factories and jungles are cleaned up to provide shelters for man and his ego. He is buying water. Just decades back he drank from the rivers or lakes. Today he goes for desalination plants and searches for water in Mars. The air he breathes in is polluted and an internal filter is required to block all the toxic and carbon based materials from entering in.Plants and crops  refuse to grow without the smell of fertilizers and pesticides fill our water bodies and ground water permanently.

He plunders the sea wealth for his health and digs deep bore-wells on and off the shores to shore up his speed of journey thus curtailing the journey of this earth. Big ships and boats in billions sail in the oceans emptying their blackened belly 24 X 7 X 365 days. 

This is not to cry once again about global warming or heating. It is to remind everyone that the earth is dying. It is on sick bed. Unless we all stop and start thinking the earth will become a place not fit for any life-human or others.

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