Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Renewable Energy but not Reliable Energy

While one is happy that we can reap without sowing and have it after eating it too,  the winds help us generate power and are free as usual. None loses but we all  gain. No pollution. No negative  consequences.The land can be utilized for farming and generate income to the farmers. Only a win-win situation. 

Apart from all the advantages, we have to realize that no man can command winds and the weather. The wind pattern can be studied. But in case of failure we can't blame anyone. In this part of the state, it is seen often that the power generation which is  about 3000 megawatt stoops to nil generation. This unpredictability is the risk factor attached to this wind power. If one state runs factories or trains depending on solely on wind power generation, there are every chances that the system gets collapsed as the wind stops blowing. If the non-intensive households alone are made dependent on wind power, the households can with stand power-outings that too for longer duration, the residents would become unhappy and may resort to strikes or agitations demanding immediate restoration of electricity.

But there are people who raise voices against these Eco-friendly power too. "  Industrial wind factories are destructive to communities and local environments. Fragile ecosystems are destroyed. Birds and bats are killed. Animal habitats are disrupted and wildlife is driven from the area. Noise and vibrations cause human health problems, including sleep problems, headaches and nervous disorders. Home values and real estate prices are reduced, with some properties becoming impossible to sell."

Wind Turbines Cause Environmental Damages:

  • Destruction of fragile ecosystems and animal habitats
    • Deforestation
    • Excavation
    • Erosion
  • Turbines kill birds and other flying animals
    • Eagles
    • Raptors
    • Hawks
    • Migrating Birds
    • Bats

Wind Turbines Cause Human Health Problems:

  • Turbine "blade thump" noise causes a health problem known asWind Turbine Syndrome
  • Symptoms include:
    • Sleep disturbance
    • Headache
    • Ringing or buzzing in the ears
    • Dizziness
    • Vertigo
    • Nausea
    • Visual blurring
    • Rapid heart rate
    • Irritability
    • Problems with concentration and memory
    • Panic episodes associated with sensations of internal pulsation or quivering, which arise while awake or asleep

Wind Power Causes Economic Problems:

  • Homes located near wind turbines lose significant value
  • Some homes become impossible to sell and are abandoned by their owners
  • Wilderness areas lose economic value as recreational and vacation locations


1. Make  villages  alone connected in the grid carrying wind generated power. In villages, we can manage without power for brief or longer spells as survival is possible without fans, AC machines, and coolers.

2.  Never plan an industrial hub solely depending on the wind generated energy. At times then, we have to be stuck like a painted ship as did by the  Ancient Mariner.

3. Based on the wind flow different regions of a state to be identified and synchronized with the main grid. In case of failure of a few stations, remaining few may support the systems.

4. Never rely on the installed capacity.

5. Wind power can only supplement.

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