Saturday, September 14, 2013

Man's Comforts have become Earth's Discomforts.

Just as he saw the bird and he invented an airplane to fly; he saw the fish and wanted to sail and invented a ship. The only animal  which is in  'vertical position' unlike his other co-inhabitants  which are perpendicular to the earth, is always in conflict with nature. Still many in the world believe that the talks of 'green' or 'global warming' are of futile and fashion. 

They know that water is fast becoming a scarce commodity and it is well known the future waters among countries would be over sharing of waters only. The rivers are dead and the living rivers are dying due to the heavy discharge of polluted chemical and drainage. The  ground water levels all over the world have gone down and the wells have become empty and thousands of fresh water  wells in India long back converted as garbage bins. Every one carries a bottle of water and a quality (!) water bottle of one litre costs around one dollar in India. People, especially women have to walk miles to fetch potable water and billions of rupees spent on providing safe potable water.

All the above situations are the creations of this industrialization, pollution  and global warming.

The next most visible part that pollutes this earth is the fossil fuel. (Unfortunately this scarce resource is not evenly distributed and the nations which happen to possess the crude liquid also happen to good in fighting wars. These nations (Iran, Iraq etc.,) drill and sell the precious fossil fuel and keep fighting among themselves and with others throughout their history. The people need not work hard as they are getting 'oil money'. To do this extraction and refining cheap labor is available from India, Pakistan,Bangladesh and Phillipines.) New and most modern cars and two wheelers are designed everyday. They take us fast to our destination but towards the earth's annihilation too. 

We steal the coal, gas and the crude in huge quantities and keep the earth down below  hollow. Though the  hollow place is filled by water or soil or gas yet again there are every chances that some may remain hollow for ever or newer places becoming empty due to displacement. Estimates reveal 8 millions of barrels of crude are extracted every day. Pl. see the following data from Wikipedia.

As measured by the International Energy Agency, the top 10 natural gas producers in 2011 were (66.7% of total) (bcm): 1) Russia 677 (20.0%), 2) United States 651 (19.2%), 3) Canada160 (4.7%), 4) Qatar 151 (4.5%), 5) Iran 149 (4.4%), 6) Norway 106 (3.1%), 7) China 103 (3.0%), 8) Saudi Arabia 92 (2.7%), 9) Indonesia 92 (2.7%), 10) Netherlands 81 (2.4%) and World 3 388 (100%).

Unless we reduce the consumption of this fossil fuel the future is not so bright.


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