Monday, September 2, 2013






"The vet examined the break and then weighed her for correct medication dosage. The hair surrounding the break was clippered off and the leg was x-rayed. While not a "clean" break, it was determined to be treatable without surgery. Had the break occurred above the knee, surgery would have been necessary.

The doeling was lightly sedated with Xylazine administered intra-venously at a dosage of one-tenth of a mg per pound of bodyweight because the leg had to be put under traction for the bones to heal properly. She was also given a combination of Banamine and Dexamethazone intra-venously for pain and swelling. (Note: Had she been pregnant, Dexamethazone would not have been used because it induces labor.) Since goats tolerate neither sedation nor pain well, these medications had to be carefully dosed and the treatment had to be done quickly; caprine heart rate slows down dramatically when a goat is sedated.
Wrapping sterile cotton padding around the leg from shoulder to fetlock, the vet then cut a pre-formed orthopedic stocking to fit and slipped it over the leg. Using a looped length of dog leash wrapped around the hoof, he firmly pulled the leg to bring the bones into alignment. Fiberglass vet wrap was soaked in cool water and wrapped around the entire stocking-covered leg. A reaction within the chemically-treated water-soaked fiberglass generated heat, causing the cast to harden within minutes.
The vet then cut the top half off a light-weight plastic pill bottle big enough to fit over the doeling's hoof. Placing the hoof inside the plastic bottle and using elasticized fabric adhesive wrap, he securely attached it to her cast. Exposed hooves on immobilized legs are an avenue for bacteria to enter, so they must be kept clean.
Tolazoline was administered intra-venously at a dosage of nine-tenths of a mg per pound of bodyweight to bring her out of the sedative. She recovered consciousness within three to five minutes and was soon walking around his clinic, checking out every nook and cranny as any normal ("nosey") goat would do.

 The big concern is blood supply ......"    

On one side  man attends to the injuries of an animal and a separate vet dept. functions. On the other side their killing is on....

If an ordinary individual  talks of vegetarianism, people will not accept it arguing as  it is  


But let us see what Thiruvalluvar , the saint poet of Tamil land tells about vegetarianism.

1.    How can the wont of 'kindly grace' to him be known, 
       Who other creatures' flesh consumes to feed his own?.


How can he be possessed of kindness, who to increase his own flesh, eats the flesh of other creatures.
No use of wealth have they who guard not their estate; 
No use of grace have they with flesh who hunger sate.

As those possess no property who do not take care of it, so those possess no kindness who feed on flesh.

Like heart of them that murderous weapons bear, his mind, 
Who eats of savoury meat, no joy in good can find.

Like the (murderous) mind of him who carries a weapon (in his hand), the mind of him who feasts with pleasure on the body of another (creature), has no regard for goodness.

'What's grace, or lack of grace'? 'To kill' is this, that 'not to kill'; 
To eat dead flesh can never worthy end fulfil.
If it be asked what is kindness and what its opposite, the answer would be preservation and destruction of life; and therefore it is not right to feed on the flesh (obtained by taking away life).
'We eat the slain,' you say, by us no living creatures die; 
Who'd kill and sell, I pray, if none came there the flesh to buy?.
If the world does not destroy life for the purpose of eating, then no one would sell flesh for the sake of money.

If flesh you eat not, life's abodes unharmed remain; 
Who eats, hell swallows him, and renders not again.
Not to eat flesh contributes to the continuance of life; therefore if a man eat flesh, hell will not open its mouth (to let him escape out, after he has once fallen in).

7. With other beings' ulcerous wounds their hunger they appease; 
If this they felt, desire to eat must surely cease.

If men should come to know that flesh is nothing but the unclean ulcer of a body, let them abstain from eating it.

Whose souls the vision pure and passionless perceive, 
Eat not the bodies men of life bereave.
The wise, who have freed themselves from mental delusion, will not eat the flesh which has been severed from an animal.

9. Than thousand rich oblations, with libations rare, 
Better the flesh of slaughtered beings not to share.
Not to kill and eat (the flesh of) an animal, is better than the pouring forth of ghee etc., in a thousand sacrifices.

Who slays nought,- flesh rejects- his feet before 
All living things with clasped hands adore.
All creatures will join their hands together, and worship him who has never taken away life, nor eaten flesh.

 "No flocks that range the valley free
   To slaughter I condemn
   Taught by the power that pities me
   I learn to pity them"

Oliver Goldsmith 

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