Saturday, May 24, 2014

'Nature' Worshipers are Unnatural?


Man fears the big and  ferocious. He worships the things that he can't understand. Right!. Throughout history, man used to pray the big such as the lion or the tiger which  can harm him. He worships the sun , the moon, the stars , the oceans and  the rivers. They are mighty and hence incomprehensible for him.  What and all he fears and what he worships would be a long list. But he has a courtesy or tendency to nurture the things or beings that support his life.

In this context only comes the Indian way of life. For them the sun and the moon are divine. So do the rivers. Each temple or a deity here has got : a temple tree , a temple  flower, sacred river or lake, dedicated animal or bird and so on. Almost every temple has a big growth of trees and big ponds or lakes even today. Due to the big population the sacred water bodies are polluted is another matter to ponder. But the way he lived his life in the previous days prove he wanted to lead a harmonious life with nature.  Here the poisonous snakes adore the neck of lord Shiva. A traditional Indian is always with nature and is never away from nature. 

But once the science came it ridiculed everything it can't understand. People too became slaves to these machines. Today the city dwellers can't survive without electricity driven gadgets and machines. From cooking to sleeping they need science as their partner. He thinks and sinks through  these e-systems.  Science has replaced the conscience of man. Fortunately  still there are millions who are untouched by the advancement of science. 

The worshipers of   Science gods look down upon the people who treat nature with reverence and dismiss them as primitive or ancient. Nothing like that. They are giving importance to things and beings that give them life. Protecting the vulnerable protects the life cycle, the bio-cycle. I've not come across cultures that worships the ants. May be that they are the maximum on this earth and thrive and survive in spite of man's contribution.  

The people who live in hills worship the hills and the people who depend on the seas do worship the sea. We have to leave it there. Because for his life and survival the seas are important. Inventing  and introducing new gods and goddesses are not needed as the gods die as soon as the man dies. In Eastern and African culture, may be everywhere, all dead are divine. At times the men who rose against the gods (atheists) during their life time become gods after their life time.

Let us not look down upon any culture. A friend in  Africa or China or the one  from India who chooses to pay his respects to a boar or a tiger in his own way. Are we not saluting the doctors who saved our lives? In what way my reverence to a neem or a banyan tree, a hindrance to my neighbor? If I worship water, why should my friend boil? Let us respect all cultures. Let us celebrate variety and diversity. A jungle can't be of a single species. Then it becomes a grove. The gardens of this world can't be of roses alone. Let there be lotuses, lily's and daffodils.  

Let all good deeds be respected.  There can't be any superior or inferior gods only men.

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