Sunday, May 25, 2014

Those who eat more will pay more

Truth will be sitting prettily on the throne where lies abound. The earth is full of scientists of all colors with knowledge overflowing from all sides.  All search for solutions after inventing problems. The solution provider is hailed as a  savior and he has to save his disciple from yet another problem. 

Peoples  and governments too are thinking that they can swallow  all their sins by swallowing pills  prescribed by the earth doctors.  
All at fire fighting. None at preventing fires. After polluting the earth with mirth he searches for a hearth. Do I sound too philosophical?  
  • Yes. The solution is taxing the nations and the peoples that fill this earth with more men and women. 
  • Rates of fossil fuel must be linked to the usage. The more you use the more you must pay.  
  • Restrict migrations of peoples across nations

 Days are not far off when the world has to take this hard decision. 

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