Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Luxury is an Injury to the Environment

How big is this world? As big as our as eyes can see. To make this world dark when it is sunny, just by closing the eyelids we can bring darkness envelop her. Similarly we can see the brightness of the world - still brighter than what we see outside by closing our eyelids too.  All in our perception. 

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
― John MiltonParadise Lost

Though many around the globe shout from their  rooftops about this 'Global Heating' people are adamant and refuse to hear and act. I had an opportunity to stay at a 5 star hotel recently and came to know how much energy, water and other vital resources are wasted. The rooms are air conditioned for 24/365 . What for the corridors? The cemented steely pillars can't stand heat!
The laziest animal on  this planet is hesitant even to turn the taps on. It has to fall on his hands as the emperor  downs his noble hands.  It is a colossal waste of water as the sensors are not in a position to know the exact requirement at the moment. They do stop at the withdrawal of hands but even before this the damage is done. May be the sensors are more sensible.

The wash rooms or bath rooms again resemble a swanky office with a telephone connection too. Cant this fellow be free even while he takes bath? There I found towels of huge size in purest white  spread on the floor for the emperor. The towels are washed everyday. What a loss of water and chemicals in the form of detergent and energy! What if this man's feet falls on the swanky tiled floor? He needs a velvety cushion  in the few moments he would be there with his dirtying job. 
Again in the break fast/lunch halls the guests were given towels for cleaning up their hands after food. The oily, sticky yellowish Indian masala destroyed the finest white beyond recognition.   What the hell would fall if they move away and wash their hands with a little soap water. The irony  is the people who were visiting such hotels for the first time -like me - too wiped out their sin in the way I said earlier. And the cruelest part was a bearer standing with a bowl of water with a cut lemon piece too. The temporal  emperors  dipped their hands into it and got washed off. 
The hotel had an acre of lawns and scores of men were employed to maintain it. Every day gallons of water was sprinkled and the grass were happy at the generosity of man and the guests were thrilled at the sight of grass as they have not seen a leaf of grass for a long time. But was unhappy at the atrocity and talked to the gentleman I/C. He agreed at the suggestion of mine to have vegetable and fruits  plants instead of this korean grass. The guests too can participate in watering or pruning as otherwise they have only TV and magazines to kill their time. They may be allowed to pluck the tomato fruits and eat. They can dig out a carrot and taste. I'm glad my suggestion was taken up.
Let us build this earth. 
....to be continued. 

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