Tuesday, May 20, 2014


“Everything has come down to us from the banks of the Ganges”

                                                                        French Philosopher  F Voltaire (1694-1778)

Senior bureaucrats said they considered the move as intended to fix responsibility on officers for delivery, while also expressing confidence in them. (Source: PTI)

"Modi  admitted in his address that he felt like a child in the lap of his mother and assured the people that he will do everything he can to make a turnaround of the polluted river."
Yes I happened to be there in the Ganga from 12th to 16th. As I was pondering over the big pollution we are causing to the waters in the name of rituals, the PM designate came and has promised to do the clean up.

Here nothing from the government is required. Just a change of attitude from our pilgrims would reduce the 
pollution to 75% immediately. 

We have to take bath and then only enter a swimming pool.  It is a common norm. Should we not do the same before entering the Ganga if we considered it as 'sacred'?  To wash off the dirt on our bodies and clothes one need not go to the Ganga. It is for sure. A dip in the  Ganga  is supposed to purify our souls. In such a scenario washing off the clothes, using shampoos and dirtying the river will  make the river water unusable even by the farmers.

What is required is an awareness creation and follow up program mes.

  • Do not enter the water before taking bath in the bath rooms.
  • Arti is tolerable as it consists of just bio-degradable materials like flowers and leaves
  • Do not use soaps or shampoo
  • Do not brush and spit on the water
  • Do not throw any type of polythene material in the water
  • No need to throw any dead body into the water to get salvation.
  • A handful of ashes  collected after cremation of the body  can be sprinkled and that is sufficient
  • Do not throw any oily substance into the water
  • No need to travel to the Ganges but the same water can be collected and temples can distribute them
  • Do not leave old clothes in water better give it them to the poor and the needy
  • Do not throw metal coins into the water ,better give them to the needy who are waiting for it on the banks
  • Realize throwing unburnt or partially burnt bodies into the river would do more harm   to the river.
  • Plant a tree if possible with the ashes of the cremated body acting as manure.
  • The ritual of travelling to the north and south of India  was to strengthen national integration in the yesteryear but today the TV can do the job.
  • All religious leaders must ensure that these messages reach their disciples/ the general public


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