Sunday, May 25, 2014

Urbanization will orphan this earth.

I'm surprised at the environmentalists' suggestions to mitigate the sufferings of Climate Change. The most crucial factor in the entire discussion on this is urbanization. This phenomenon  is the chief culprit in the climate talks. No doubt.

Let the facts speak:

Electricity consumed in Chennai metro area- 2000 megawatt a day 
The consumption in  the remaining part of the state which has 16000  village panchayats and hundreds of municipal areas and six more corporations which consume only 8000 mw.

 Mostly animal driven and less vehicles and people walk /cycle the distances  even up to 10-15 kms a day

Not all the days in a week they go to the farms

Surface transport with minimum road  space

Use motorized vehicles even for short distances

But for the holidays their trips to the offices are regular

Travel a lot as the cities are grown into a small nation (
At least 2 hours a day)

100 or 200 feet roads , rail lines, subways, tunnels, tube trains and flying trains … all spending much energy
Body fitness
Natural as they do physical work
Spend money and power in fitness clubs which are air conditioned and machines run on electricity
Washing of clothes/hair
Mostly manual and hence no power is used

Walks and woks without the help of any requirement of power

Mostly power driven and spending more chemicals
From dyeing of  hair to cremation of the dead bodies energy is required
He uses energy to shave his facial hair, trim it, dye it and dry it.
He treads on tread mills which use energy 
Manual and still fire wood is used
Fresh vegetables are cooked and no one preserves them for more than a day
Electricity is required  to bake or cook or wash or refrigerate
Day time use of electricity
Almost nil . They keep their windows and doors open
Windows are closed permanently and doors are opened to be closed on entry/exit
Ceiling fans, AC Machines
Hand held fans natural and if found sultry they sleep or relax under trees with shade
Fans and A/C’s must
Mostly environment friendly huts 
Steel and cement with concrete structures  of ever growing sizes and heights
Lake or pond water which is replenished every year
Drawn from wells, taps, lakes or ponds
Used water wasted in drains

Pumped  up supply only
Polluted beyond recognition
Kids and adults
Walk to the school/ farm (Mostly)
Parents or school transport which require again power
Normally requires no power. They play in open grounds
All e-playing , TV watching or net surfing  requiring  power.
Minimum investment and mostly they use the waste water for plants
Massive infrastructure required with garbage accumulation , disposal and segregation.
Huge network of drainage is required and hundreds die in India as the cleaners attempt to remove any blocks

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