Wednesday, May 21, 2014

When Thunder Roars Go Indoors.

Eight people were killed in Tamilnadu yesterday due to deadly lightening. Normally it strikes when farm workers run for cover on sudden outbursts. Left with no place they take shelter beneath the isolated  trees or motor pump rooms. Some tips for safety.

Lightning: What You Need to Know

  • NO PLACE outside is safe when thunderstorms are in the area!!
  • If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you.
  • When you hear thunder, immediately move to safe shelter: a substantial building with electricity or plumbing or an enclosed, metal-topped vehicle with windows up.
  • Stay in safe shelter at least 30 minutes after you hear the last sound of thunder.

Indoor Lightning Safety

  • Stay off corded phones, computers and other electrical equipment that put you in direct contact with electricity.
  • Avoid plumbing, including sinks, baths and faucets.
  • Stay away from windows and doors, and stay off porches.
  • Do not lie on concrete floors, and do not lean against concrete walls.

Last Resort Outdoor Risk Reduction Tips

If you are caught outside with no safe shelter anywhere nearby the following actions may reduce your risk:
  • Immediately get off elevated areas such as hills, mountain ridges or peaks
  • Never lie flat on the ground
  • Never shelter under an isolated tree
  • Never use a cliff or rocky overhang for shelter
  • Immediately get out and away from ponds, lakes and other bodies of water
  • Stay away from objects that conduct electricity (barbed wire fences, power lines, windmills, etc.)

There is no safe place outdoors when thunderstorms are in your area.

The "30-30" rule

When you see lightning flash, count the number of seconds until you hear its thunder. If the thunder rolls in 30 seconds or less, the storm is already close enough to be dangerous; if you're not already in a safe place, it's past time to find one. After the storm, remain indoors for at least 30 minutes after hearing the last clap of thunder.

The safest shelter is a large, fully enclosed building with wiring and plumbing, such as a typical house, school, store or public building. If none of these are available, the next best option is any vehicle that has a solid metal roof and solid metal sides, like the average car, bus or truck.

Safety indoors
Once inside, avoid any conducting path to the outside. Don't use a corded phone; only use a cordless phone if you are away from the base station (where the phone is recharged). Stay away from televisions, computers and appliances. Plumbing is equally dangerous.

Tips help from NASA 

Watch the Lightening  shot by me at:

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