Friday, May 23, 2014

Don't bury the seeds in polythene, throw them in the open.

Father: Dear son don't refuse  fruits. Take all seasonal fruits. O.K 
Son: Now this is the season of mangoes in India, is n't it pa?
Father: You are correct. after enjoying the fruit  will you drop the seeds somewhere along the drains or rivers or lake beds or near any water bodies?
Son: Why should I do so? What will be  its use? Should I not take the permission from anybody?

Father: You are asking valid questions. Son, Because I don't have big hopes on these 'Plantation weeks' of these geeks. The tallest tree and the most fertile forests  of this earth are not planted by any man. right.  The seeds  lie asleep till they get  enough moisture for their growth.  The birds and other animals too do this job of spreading and helping reproduction . Packing these seeds  in poly packs and sending them to landfills will be of no use. 

Son; Good idea indeed. Will all the seeds  grow into big trees? If so the entire earth will become a jungle. 

Father: Don't  worry. Such things won't happen. Imagine a fruit bearing tree - say the mango tree which gives us around  5000 fruits in a year. Not all the 5000 seeds becomes trees. Hardly a few may grow into trees.

Son: Who will enjoy the yield? Definitely me or  our family may not as these grow elsewhere. 

Father: Again you are correct in your doubts. We may not be able to taste the fruits if the seed you throw today becomes a tree and gives fruits. Remember  for the past one month I do bring in mangoes from the market. Even now one lies on the dining table.  But do you know the person who planted the tree?

Son: I don't. 

Father: You can't. Those are imported fruits from a distant area. Just as the person who planted a mango sapling and who watered and nurtured it  is not enjoying the fruits, you too may not. If a poor tree can be so generous in giving all her fruits to others , can't you think of doing this small act of throwing in the open? If the trees won't come up they become manure and  help other plants/trees grow.

Son: Thank you papa for the nice advice. 

Father: Good .  Tell all your friends to do the same.  didn't you notice  the tall coconut trees in the Divine islands? All along the beach.  Who planted those ? Only the nature.

Son; You are correct. Good night dady.

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